
Siretta Snyper and MikroElektronika New Product Discoveries Episode 202 | DigiKey

Ashley Awalt, Technical Content Developer at DigiKey, presents New Product Discoveries. In this video, Ashley introduces the Snyper-LTE Graphyte from Siretta. This LTE, 4G and 3G UMTS cellular signal surveyer is a standalone network analyzing and logging tool for remote monitoring base station reliability and intermitant cellular service. Also featured is the MIKROE-3512 MLX90614 Fusion embedded development board for 32 bit ARM V8. This is the world’s first development board with programming and debugging over WiFi and designed as a powerful tool for university learning environments.

8/6/2019 7:31:30 PM

Part List

FUSION FOR ARM V8MIKROE-3512FUSION FOR ARM V83 - 立即发货$3,713.10查看详情