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Image of Sensirion's SHT4x Series Humidity Temperature Sensors

SHT4x 系列湿度和温度传感器

Sensirion 的 SHT40 基于优化型 CMOSens® 芯片打造,可降低功耗并提高精度规格。

Image of Sensirion's SEN5x Sensor and Evaluation Kit

SEN5x 传感器和评估套件

Sensirion 的 SEN55 环境节点可准确测量颗粒物、挥发性有机化合物、氧化性气体、湿度和温度。

Image of Sensirion's SCD4x CO2 Sensors

SCD4x CO2 传感器

Sensirion 的 SCD40x CO2 和 RH/T 是一款微型传感器模块,适用于物联网、汽车、暖通空调、家电和消费品应用。



SGD43S-M3-Sx A2L Refrigerant Leakage Detection System

Sensirion SGD43S-M3-Sx A2L refrigerant leakage detection system is based on the thermal conductivity measurement principle and features a dual dry-contact relay output.

SENSEVAL-SCB4XV1 Evaluation and Development Boards

Sensirion evaluation and development boards are designed for SHT4x temperature and humidity, SGP40 VOC, and STMicroelectronics LPS22DF barometric pressure.

STC31-C 芯片级气体浓度传感器

Sensirion STC31-C 传感器基于革命性的热导率测量原理,具有卓越的重复性和长期稳定性。

SFA40 Formaldehyde Sensor - Coming Soon!

Sensirion SFA40 formaldehyde sensor is designed for seamless integration into indoor air quality monitoring devices, air purifiers, and air conditioners.


Tools and Support

Image of Sensirion Chemical and Dispensing




EYE on NPI – Sensirion SCD40 and SCD41 Compact CO2 Air Sensors
EYE on NPI – Sensirion SCD40 and SCD41 Compact CO2 Air Sensors
EYE on NPI – Sensirion SFM3119 Low-Pressure Drop Flow Meter
EYE on NPI – Sensirion SFM3119 Low-Pressure Drop Flow Meter
EYE on NPI – SEN54 Environmental Sensor Node
EYE on NPI – SEN54 Environmental Sensor Node
Sensirion – SHT45 Ultra-High Accuracy Humidity and Temperature Sensor | Datasheet Preview
Sensirion – SHT45 Ultra-High Accuracy Humidity and Temperature Sensor | Datasheet Preview

近期 PTM

5 minutes
SCD4x CO2 Sensor
This presentation will give an insight into indoor air quality measurement and demonstrate why monitoring CO2 concentrations is vital for everyone’s well-being and health.
5 minutes
Mass Flow Controller SFC5500 Series Overview
Sensirion’s SFC5500 mass flow controllers have an exceptionally high control range and cover multiple flow ranges in a single device.

关于 Sensirion

Sensirion 是湿度、气体和液体流量测量与控制领域高品质传感器和传感器解决方案的全球领先制造商。Sensirion 传感器应用广泛,涵盖众多市场和各种不同的应用。Sensirion 传感器产品能为您保证出色的性能,并以此获得较高的顾客效用。所有这些器件均基于我们的 CMOSens® 创新技术,该技术实现了在微型 CMOS 硅芯片上将传感器元件与模拟、数字信号处理电路结合在一起。通过利用特殊的微系统处理步骤在专门开发并获得专利的半导体部件上生产微型传感器结构,这一成果已在先进的半导体技术中实施,由此产生的传感器芯片可实现对相对湿度、温度或质量流量等所需物理参数进行精确可靠的测量。所以,CMOSens® 代表了高精度、可靠性、功能和高性价比的完美组合。