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Diodes Incorporated

Image of Diodes IntelliFET Power Switches

IntelliFET 电源开关

Diodes 的 IntelliFET 自保护电源开关旨在用于在恶劣环境中切换电阻、电感和电容负载。

Image of Diodes DC-DC Buck Converters

DC-DC 降压转换器

DigiKey 提供 Diodes Inc 的各种 DC/DC 降压转换器,其产品不仅外形紧凑,节省空间,而且性能可靠,优势众多。

Image of Diodes SiC MOSFETs


Diodes Incorporated 碳化硅 (SiC) MOSFET 和二极管比硅器件具有多种优势。


最新产品 特色产品

PI6CB3320xxA Series Clock Buffers

Diodes Inc. PI6CB3320xxA series clock buffers feature an individual OE pin for each output that allows dynamic routing and enhances power saving.

SxCMHQ/SxMHQ 系列整流器

Diodes SxCMHQ/SxMHQ 系列整流器针对汽车应用进行了优化,通过高电压和浪涌处理能力提高了系统可靠性。

PI2EQX1693x 线性 ReDriver™

Diodes Incorporated 的 PI2EQX16932 和 PI2EQX16934 ReDriver 专为高速数据传输中的最佳信号完整性而设计。

PI2DPX1264 线性 ReDriver™

Diodes Incorporated PI2DPX1264 线性转接驱动器 (ReDriver) 具有高信号完整性和功率效率,可用于高清视频连接。



Image of Diodes Embedded Solutions


探索 Diodes Incorporated 为嵌入式应用提供的各种 IC 解决方案,为您的嵌入式系统提供完美的组件,包括电源管理、信号完整性和连接解决方案。可在 DigiKey 购买。


High-Side IntelliFETs - Product Training Module
High-Side IntelliFETs - Product Training Module
Introduction to Diodes Incorporated
Introduction to Diodes Incorporated
USB-C Power Delivery Sink Controllers
USB-C Power Delivery Sink Controllers
Two-Wire Automotive Hall Effect Sensors Introduction - Product Training Module
Two-Wire Automotive Hall Effect Sensors Introduction - Product Training Module

近期 PTM

Image of Diodes Inc. DC/DC Synchronous Buck Converter
10 minutes
Introduction to DC/DC Synchronous Buck Converters
This presentation will provide an introduction to the DC/DC Synchronous Buck Converters from Diodes Incorporated.
Image of Diodes Details of Modern Semiconductor Power Switches
15 minutes
Details of Modern Semiconductor Power Switches
This presentation will provide details into modern semiconductor power switches.
Image of Diodes' LDO Package Selection
5 minutes
How to Select an Appropriate LDO
Diodes' wide variety of low dropout regulators spans a large variety of input voltages, load currents, and package types.
Image of Diodes How to Select an Appropriate Gate Driver
5 minutes
How to Select an Appropriate Gate Driver
This PTM will be covering three main areas that include; Selection and Design-in Criteria, Key External Component Selection, and Optimal Layout Considerations.
Pericom Timing Tree
5 minutes
Timing Solutions
Diodes Incorporated has a full portfolio of frequency control products.
Switch Basics
10 minutes
USB Switch
Pericom offers a broad portfolio of USB switches specifically designed to enable a range of applications to achieve single port connectivity.

关于 Diodes Incorporated

Diodes Incorporated(纳斯达克股票代码:DIOD)是一家标准普尔小型股 600 指数和罗素 3000 指数公司,为汽车、工业、计算、消费电子和通信市场的全球领先公司提供高质量的半导体产品。他们拥有扩展的模拟和分立电源解决方案产品组合以及领先的封装技术,可满足客户各种需求。其广泛的应用特定产品和以解决方案为中心的销售模式,加上包括工程、测试、制造和客户服务在内的全球运营,使得他们成为大批量、高增长市场的首要供应商。