In summary, there are many advantages that make STMicroelectronics a leader in H-bridge products. One of the first advantages is power limitation. The die has a thermal sensor in the power section by the bond wires and another thermal sensor in the control section near the bottom edge of the device. These elements are what enable the power limitation feature. These sensors measure temperature at two different places on the die and shuts off the part if the difference between them becomes too great. This provides a much more durable faulted load protection. Secondly, these products offer stable diagnostics during a fault. STMicroelectronics' competition has diagnostic feedback that toggles the output off and on. This is tough to debounce and causes the code to drive the faulted load longer than necessary. With STMicroelectonics' stable diagnostic feedback the code can react much quicker. The next feature was multiplex diagnostics which saves micro I/O while still using a lot of pins. The final feature is accurate current feedback with the M0-5 which is a much improved feature over the M0-3, much more accurate. Finally, STMicroelectronics offers many different ranges of H-Bridges to fit the customer's needs.