Because both the CC0 and DD0 series have input voltage ratings up to 35V and an operating temperature range of -40°C to 125°C, they fit a wide variety of applications, including automotive. While they are typically considered too big for portable/hand-held products like media players or cell phones, CC0 and DD0 series parts have been designed into everything from automotive infotainment applications to CLAs (cigarette lighter adapters). Linear regulators classified as “secondary” are frequently used for “post regulation.” Typically, a switching regulator will be used to convert the main supply (i.e., a lithium ion battery or AC electricity from a wall outlet) to another voltage level. The switching regulator can do this conversion efficiently, but creates noise. Consequently, a secondary LDO regulator will be connected to the output of the switching regulator to step-down the voltage level and “clean up” or suppress the noise. Due to their small package and clean signal output, secondary regulators are often utilized in mobile applications.