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getting the best
Analog Devices came together with Panasonic to create a smarter solution, enabling users to monitor their smart buildings and measure how people interact within a defined space. The population and energy demands are increasing every day. There is a need to learn how to accommodate and optimize this growth. For example, buildings use 20.1% of the world’s energy. Between 2012 and 2040, there is a 1.5% average predicted increase in energy usage. In China alone there was a population increase of 26% from 1990 to 2012. The Analog Devices MAXREFDES130/1 building automation platform will help engineers start building smarter, to meet new levels of energy conservation. This solution can optimize traffic flow in buildings and high traffic areas while enhancing human performance and helping solve energy challenges. Imagine being able to help an architect understand how many conference rooms are necessary, or where the first stopping point is at a shopping center, or how to take Halloween displays to the next level.
PTM Published on: 2017-05-23