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An ambient light sensor measures the amount of light in an environment. The uniqueness of a digital ambient light sensor is that it sees the environment the way the human eye sees the environment. This means it responds very well to green light. On the other hand, it is not going to respond under ultraviolet light or infrared light since human beings cannot see these types of light as well. A digital ambient light sensor takes the light as an input. The light goes through the package and it is digitized in digital domain. It consists of the necessary special sensor, ADCs, and I2C communication. Typical applications cover a wide range. It can be used to decrease the brightness of a portable device in order to save power or it can be used to increase the brightness in order to see the screen in extreme light conditions. It is also used in digital light management systems in buildings for automation. Analog Devices technology offers a unique low power small solution. It also features smartness to save more power and makes it easy to design in the part. The wide dynamic range of MAX44009 makes it a good solution for many applications.
PTM Published on: 2011-09-09