The majority of applications needing decoupling capacitors involve the use of semiconductor components. A semiconductor is made up of many transistors which require short bursts of energy when changing state (switching from off to on or vise versa). The decoupling capacitor provides that energy. Looking at today’s microprocessors, where there are millions of transistors that are switching instantaneously, that amount of energy can be very large and the decoupling capacitor needs to be sized appropriately in order to provide the energy needed. The circuit designer today has many options with regard to the selection of a decoupling capacitor. For example, a small semiconductor may only require the use of a simple ceramic capacitor, while a larger semiconductor may require a tantalum capacitor which provides more capacitance or energy. Larger and more power processors and FPGAs may require a combination of both tantalum and ceramic capacitors in order to operate correctly. Lastly, power supplies and higher power systems will necessitate the use aluminum electrolytic, power films, or in some cases, super capacitors. Energy storage and the ability to accommodate short bursts of energy are one component of the energy distribution system for a given application. It is important to note that this distribution system will require a method of replenishing the energy. Otherwise, the amount of energy available will diminish, resulting in poor or sluggish performance of the circuit.