Another timing application in electronics is the use of a delay circuit. When power is applied to circuits, the voltages need to be stabilized before enabling the start up of the microprocessors. If the microprocessor turns on before the voltages are stable, the part can be damaged or compromised. A time delay is often incorporated in the circuit design to ensure that the microprocessor is not working until the power supply voltage is stable. The delay circuit is typically a capacitor with a controlled charging circuit which provides a time delay after power is stabilized. On this slide, the top circuit example shows a simple RC timing circuit where the capacitor value is changed. The larger the capacitor the slower the change in voltage, the smaller the capacitor the faster the voltage charge. Capacitor technologies that are used for timing and wave shaping are tantalum, aluminum and film capacitors. Precision timing is typically done with film capacitors or C0G ceramic capacitors which have a very stable and predictable operation. General purpose timing is typically performed using X7R ceramic capacitors.