To meet the demands of precise distance measurement, high-resolution and reliable detection are needed. With the further development of radar technology more frequency bands are approved. For use cases like level measurement and collision avoidance, the available bandwidth of 24GHz is not enough to achieve the needed resolution. The 60GHz band offers a better separation of objects and accuracy of the measurements due to the wider bandwidth. The 60GHz sensors also achieve, even in far distances, reliable object data with low deviation over range. This is important for the detection of objects with lower signal strength (RCS) or minimal changes of the distance between sensor and object surface. Sensors are often mounted on mobile vehicles or containers, where the power supply can be problematic so it is important for the sensor to get along with different types of power supplies. With accelerated measurement cycles and enabling a standby-mode, the power consumption can be reduced. With advanced signal processing it is possible to filter interferences and to optimize the data output. Slight deviations can be compensated. To provide information about objects in real-time, the sensor has to process many detections in a short time and elevate them. Sensors with a higher system level due to advanced signal processing, are easier to integrate and set up, ensuring customers have less development effort.