The detailed block diagram shown here highlights some of the standout features of the 6ED2742S01Q. To start, the trickle charge pump enables 100% duty-cycle operation. This is required to keep the bootstrap capacitor charged and to keep the high side MOSFET on, enabling maximum speed at running the BLDC motor with a low power loss. The integrated low ohmic bootstrap diodes reduce the bill of materials while providing excellent performance for a trapezoidal or sinusoidal motor control algorithm. The integrated PMU provides stable VCC to drive the MOSFETs. The 6ED2742S01Q has a single pin enable, fault detection, and delay protection functionality built-in. An overcurrent protection comparator with adjustable threshold monitors and triggers fault in case of overcurrent events in the negative DC bus. The 6ED2742S01Q has a standalone current sense amplifier that can be used to monitor current across the single shunt resistor to enable current loop control. This current sense amplifier comes with four adjustable gain settings and a built-in offset of 150mV. It also comes with a strobe input that helps do an online measurement of offset voltage at operating temperature.