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Product List
Microchip provides an entire suite of support materials including development kits, evaluation kits, source code, and an easy-to-use configuration environment that works with the kits to allow the user to better understand the parts to any level of detail. The development and evaluation kits are built around the Microchip Crypto Evaluation Studio called “ACES”, which is a suite of software tools to configure and demonstrate the Microchip CryptoAuthentication™ family of devices. ACES minimizes the learning curve for using the Microchip CryptoAuthentication™ devices. ACES includes an interactive configuration environment called “ACES CE” to configure, demonstrate, and personalize the CryptoAuthentication™ device. ACES also offers datasheet explanation by means of extensive, yet easy-to-understand help screens. The AT88CK101 is a development tool for applications that protect confidential files, encrypt downloads, perform two-factor logons, authenticate products, and prevent software piracy. The starter kit includes a Microchip AVR based board with a USB interface that lets designers learn and experiment on a PC. The kit also includes a daughterboard that interfaces to the AVR board via a header for the Microchip Xplained Pro series of tools. The daughterboard has a single 8-pin UDFN socket which can support a Microchip ATSHA204, Microchip ATECC108, or a Microchip ATAES132 device. Software developed on the PC can also serve as the base for code to be ported to an embedded microcontroller. Source code can also be edited to integrate with ARM or other platforms. This kit uses a modular approach, enabling the daughterboard to connect directly to an STK series AVR development platform to easily add security to applications. An optional adapter kit is also available when the 10-pin header on the daughterboard requires a different pin-out. The newest evaluation kit called the AT88CK490 contains three devices, namely the ATSHA204, ATECC108, and ATAES132. The kit includes a Microchip microcontroller and USB interface. Complete source code for the Microchip AVR® is available, along with a schematic, Gerber files, and a bill of materials.
PTM Published on: 2014-03-13