Bandwidth is commonly used to describe either the frequency bandwidth or the data transmission bandwidth. Modern broadcast systems must be capable of passing 3Gbps data bandwidth. The RF frequency bandwidth required for this data rate depends greatly on the characteristics of the digital signal itself, particularly the rise time. SMPTE 424M defines the RF bandwidth as up to 3GHz. SMPTE defines system level loss characteristics. In reality, system level performance is a summation of the components in the transmission line. The graph on this slide shows a typical return loss plot for an HD-BNC™ connector with performance better than -35dB DC-3 GHz and -26dB 3-6GHz. The HD-BNC™ connectors are not only designed for SMPTE 424M but offer extended bandwidth to 6GHz, for future systems. Another factor to consider is data transmission line length. In reality the connector does not have much impact in this characteristic assuming that it has at least reasonable return loss. Length performance is primarily driven by the transmission circuitry and the cable used for the long run. However, for verification a test was configured by Embrionix to illustrate that the HD-BNC™ does meet 140M.