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XBee3 Thing Plus Hookup Guide

By SparkFun Electronics

With these 2 versions of SparkFun's XBee3 Thing Plus, we've taken DIGI's XBEE3 802.15.4 and plopped it into the Thing Plus footprint and the result has us all abuzz.


Wireless Water Level Sensor Using the Xbee3

By Scott Raeker

This project uses a retail water level setup with a few modifications to add the capability of wireless level sensing.


Wireless RC Robot with Arduino and XBees

By SparkFun Electronics

In this tutorial, we will expand on the SIK for RedBot to control a robot wirelessly with XBee radios!


Three Quick Tips About Using U.FL

By SparkFun Electronics

Since the number of SparkFun products with wireless or radio-frequency (RF) applications continues to increase we thought it would be helpful to make a crash course in one of the most ubiquitous players: the U.FL connector.


Smart Greenhouse with Cypress and Sparkfun

By Ben Roloff

Make your greenhouse smart this summer with some offerings from Cypress and Sparkfun.


Project NAGBox

By Brandon Hart

Building a simple to use, cellular-connected device to request a call from a specific loved one via SMS.


Teensy XBee Adapter Hookup Guide

By SparkFun Electronics

The Teensy is a great way to get more computing power than an Arduino, and in less space. The Teensy 3.1 XBee Adapter joins the two with ease and brings wireless to your Teensy projects.