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Fading with the MOSFET Power Switch and Buck Regulator

By SparkFun Electronics

This tutorial will guide you through using the SparkFun MOSFET Power Switch and Buck Regulator (Low-Side) with your Arduino projects.


Moving Beyond the Ordinary with the Qwiic Alphanumeric Display

By SparkFun Electronics

In this tutorial, We’ll show you how fast and simple it is to start displaying information on the SparkFun Alphanumeric Display, starting with the most basic, then looking at some more advanced examples.


How To Take Multiple RFID Readings Simultaneously

By SparkFun Electronics

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to set up SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Reader to take multiple RFID readings simultaneously by connecting either the M7E Hecto or M6E Nano directly to your computer using a USB-C connection and running Universal Reader Assistant (URA) software.


IMU Data to Motion: Translating Sensor Data into Real-World Movement

By SparkFun Electronics

For this project I’m going to be using one of our newer, smaller magnetometer boards to control a pair of servos, and then toss out some ideas to upgrade to a much bigger, cooler project.


How to Play Multiple Buzzers at Once

By SparkFun Electronics

In this tutorial, we'll connect three Qwiic Buzzers to a RedBoard microcontroller and play a melody, harmony, and bass part of one of the most recognizable tunes of all time; the Super Mario Bros theme!


Introduction to the Raspberry Pi GPIO and Physical Computing

By SparkFun Electronics

If you’ve recently picked up your first Raspberry Pi it sure doesn’t look like any computer you’re accustomed to, so let’s talk through the basics to get your Raspberry Pi up and running as a full desktop.



Behold the Yack-O-Lantern!

By SparkFun Electronics

With just a handful of parts and a couple of hours of work, you can easily repulse all of your co-workers at this year's office Halloween party!


Interactive Spooky Halloween Cat

By SparkFun Electronics

Check out this distance sensing Halloween prop designed to spook the willies out of trick-or-treaters.