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IMU Data to Motion: Translating Sensor Data into Real-World Movement

2025-01-28 | By SparkFun Electronics

License: See Original Project Motors Arduino Qwiic

Courtesy of SparkFun

Guide by ROB-24601



A Qwiic cable, some jumper wires, a couple of servos, and you're good to go. (3D printed rig optional)‎

Over the years, we’ve carried quite a number of IMUs. And why not? Inertial Motion Units are used ‎in an incredibly broad array of products, from robots to rockets, smart watches to structural ‎components, electronic stabilization systems to exoskeletons. IMUs combine several sensors to ‎provide data about movement and orientation in three-dimensional space, utilizing an accelerometer ‎and gyroscope in the case of a 6DoF sensor (six degrees of freedom), or an accelerometer, ‎gyroscope, and magnetometer in the case of a 9DoF (nine degrees of freedom).‎


The Challenge: Translating Measured Movement to ‎Motion

Monitoring and measuring this incoming data is simple, especially with our Qwiic sensors and ‎example sketches. But let’s face it, we want to do more with our incoming motion data than just read ‎the results on a screen. So, I decided to revisit an old project build that I quickly threw together for ‎a new product demo. Since I’ll only be using the measurements from one of the three possible ‎sensors on a 9D0F IMU, for this project I’m going to be using one of our newer, smaller ‎magnetometer boards to control a pair of servos, and then toss out some ideas to upgrade to a ‎much bigger, cooler project.‎


Components Required

You can opt for a number of different servos, or a number of different microcontrollers, but here ‎are some suggestions for a fast and simple demo.‎

The magnetometer - SparkFun Micro Magnetometer - MMC5983MA (Qwiic)‎

A microcontroller - SparkFun Redboard Qwiic

‎2 Servos (anything from sub-micro to giant) - Generic sub-micro servo

Power Supply for Servos (optional). Power Supplies

SparkFun Qwiic Connectors - SparkFun Qwiic Cable Kit

The Project

I’ve always been a fan of flying, and eventually of flight simulators. So of course, I’ve always wanted ‎to build a chair frame that would move in concert with the movements of my onscreen plane, ‎whether it’s a Cessna 172 or a Airbus H225 helicopter. So, in order to do this, I want to read the ‎movement or position of our yolk or stick. Note: I know that when it actually comes to creating a ‎chair frame that moves based on the movement of the flight stick, the movements will need to be ‎measured from local axes, and a magnetometer, like I’m using in this example, bases its ‎measurements on global axes. This is just a broad look at how to translate sensor data into motion ‎and can then be tailored to fit the needs of each project. Planes use cables to control the ailerons ‎and elevator, and if you’re planning on building an experimental aircraft, I’m going to suggest not ‎using this method., but if something goes wrong on a Flight Sim build, a catastrophic control failure ‎would, at worst, toss onto the floor.‎


For testing the concept, I’m going to translate the sensor data to a pair of small servos. I 3D printed ‎a small rig and a tiny chair for my little Lego fly-boy. The initial concept worked just fine, I only ‎needed to tweak the limits of the servo travel.‎

Hardware Setup

Connecting the MMC5983MA Sensor: Connect the MMC5983MA sensor to the Arduino using ‎the SparkFun Qwiic Connectors. Plug the Qwiic connector on the MMC5983MA into one of the ‎Qwiic ports on the Qwiic Shield or directly on a Qwiic-compatible Arduino board.‎

Connecting the Servos: Servo 1 Signal to Pin 8 on Arduino Servo 2 Signal to Pin 9 on Arduino ‎Servo Power (VCC) to an external 5V power supply (opt) Servo Ground (GND) to Arduino GND


The basic layout is fast and simple, getting you to the testing phase quickly.‎

Arduino Sketch

Copy Code
  Movement to Motion: Using the SparkFun Micro Magnetometer (MMC5983MA) to control servo motors
  By: Rob Reynolds
  SparkFun Electronics
  Date: September 19th, 2024
  Based on original code by Nathan Seidle and Ricardo Ramos
  License: SparkFun code, firmware, and software is released under the MIT License(http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).

  Feel like supporting our work? Buy a board from SparkFun!

  This example demonstrates how to take raw X/Y/Z readings from the sensor over Qwiic
  and translate them to movement through servo motors on the X and Y axes

  Hardware Connections:
  Plug a Qwiic cable into the sensor and a RedBoard
  If you don't have a platform with a Qwiic connection use the SparkFun Qwiic Breadboard Jumper
  (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/17912) Open the serial monitor at 115200 baud to see the output

#include <Wire.h>

#include <SparkFun_MMC5983MA_Arduino_Library.h> //Click here to get the library: http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_MMC5983MA

SFE_MMC5983MA myMag;

// Here's where we set up the servos

#include <Servo.h>
Servo servoPitchX; //Create object on X access
Servo servoRollY; //Create object on Y access

// initiate variables for servo positions
int rollYVal;
int pitchXVal;

void setup()
    Serial.println("Movement to Motion Example with the MMC5983MA");


    if (myMag.begin() == false)
        Serial.println("MMC5983MA did not respond - check your wiring. Freezing.");
        while (true)


    Serial.println("MMC5983MA connected");


void loop()
    uint32_t currentX = 0;
    uint32_t currentY = 0;
    uint32_t currentZ = 0;

    // This reads the X, Y and Z channels consecutively
    // (Useful if you have one or more channels disabled)
    currentX = myMag.getMeasurementX();
    currentY = myMag.getMeasurementY();
    currentZ = myMag.getMeasurementZ();  // Z axis/Yaw not needed for this example

    // Or, we could read all three simultaneously
    //myMag.getMeasurementXYZ(&currentX, &currentY, &currentZ);

    Serial.print("X axis raw value: ");
    rollYVal = map(currentX/1000, 123, 133, 15, 165);
    Serial.print("\tY axis raw value: ");
    pitchXVal = map(currentY/1000, 131, 119, 35, 135);
    Serial.print("\tZ axis raw value: ");
    Serial.println(currentZ);  //Z values are not necessary here, unless you want to add yaw on the Z axis

    delay(50); // Don't overtax the I2C



  1. Libraries: Wire.h: For I2C communication. SparkFunLSM6DSV16X.h: To interface with the ‎LSM6DSV16X sensor via Qwiic. Servo.h: To control the servos.‎

  2. Setup Function: Initializes serial communication for debugging. Initializes the IMU sensor and ‎checks if it's detected. Attaches servos to their respective pins and sets initial positions.‎

  3. Loop Function: Reads magnetometer data (x, y, z). Maps x and y positional values to servo ‎angles. Constrains angles to valid ranges (for this, 15-165 and 35-135 degrees). Updates servo ‎positions based on mapped angles. Includes a small delay for stability.‎

Testing and Calibration:‎

Upload the Sketch: Connect your Arduino to your computer and upload the sketch using the ‎Arduino IDE.‎

Power the Servos: Ensure the servos are powered correctly with an external power supply. (Small ‎servos with light lode might be able to get away with using power from the board.)‎

Observe Movement: Tilt or move the IMU sensor and watch how the servos react. The servos ‎should adjust their positions based on the x and y acceleration data from the sensor.‎



IMU Not Detected: Ensure the Qwiic connections are secure, and that the sensor is properly ‎connected to the I2C bus. Check if the Qwiic shield or board is functioning correctly.‎

Servo Movement Issues: Verify that the mapping and constraints are correct. Make sure the ‎servo power supply is adequate. By following this tutorial, you should be able to easily interface the ‎SparkFun Micro 6DoF IMU Breakout - LSM6DSV16X with your Arduino using Qwiic connectors and ‎control servos based on the sensor’s motion data.‎

Going Further

There are a million ways to take IMU data and translate it into motion. Hopefully, this gives you a ‎look into how easy it is to get started and inspires you to build on this simple tutorial to create your ‎own moving masterpiece. Happy Hacking!!‎


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SparkFun Electronics
制造商零件编号 SEN-19895
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制造商零件编号 ROB-09065
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制造商零件编号 KIT-15081
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