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Getting Started with the Tiva Launchpad Board Part 3 Intro to Assembly

By Sarah Aman

Delve into the world of Assembly Language programming for Tiva Launchpad. Learn the basics, from commands to data transfers, and unleash your microcontroller.


Getting Started with the Tiva Launchpad Board Part 2.

By Sarah Aman

Unlock the power of Tiva Launchpad with C programming. Follow our comprehensive tutorial to write code, control LEDs, and build your programming skills.


Getting Started with the Tiva Launchpad Board part 1.

By Sarah Aman

This article will go through the process of downloading the Kiel IDE used to program the Tiva C Launchpad board.


Automatic Water Softener Reporter with LaunchPad

By All About Circuits

Make your home smarter by displaying the current salt level in your water softener with the LaunchPad CC3200 and a proximity sensor.


Make a Switch Sound Activated Using LaunchPad

By All About Circuits

This guide covers how to make a sound activated switch that can be opened and closed with a double clap.


Build a Web-based Garage Door Controller with LaunchPad

By All About Circuits

How to build a web-based garage door controller with LaunchPad.


Use a LaunchPad to Build a Clock with a Temperature and Humidity Meter

By All About Circuits

How to make a Launchpad-controlled digital clock that also measures and displays the temperature and the relative humidity of your room periodically.


Make a Laser Tripwire Alarm with LaunchPad

By All About Circuits

In this article you’ll learn how to use LaunchPad’s ADC and make an application developed in EnergiaIDE.


Control a CC3200 LaunchPad with your phone using Blynk

By daniel_ohh

Read sensor data and toggle LEDs with the Blynk mobile app and the TI CC3200 LaunchPad