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Common High-Level Data Types Used In Programming

By Sarah Aman

Metadescription: Discover how data types like integers, floats, and booleans function in programming and their role in creating robust software systems.


Common Low-Level Data Types Used in Programming

By Sarah Aman

Learn the basics of binary data representation with this overview of common low-level data types. Understand the significance of bytes, nibbles, and words.


Getting Started with the Tiva Launchpad Board Part 3 Intro to Assembly

By Sarah Aman

Delve into the world of Assembly Language programming for Tiva Launchpad. Learn the basics, from commands to data transfers, and unleash your microcontroller.


Getting Started with the Tiva Launchpad Board Part 2.

By Sarah Aman

Unlock the power of Tiva Launchpad with C programming. Follow our comprehensive tutorial to write code, control LEDs, and build your programming skills.


Getting Started with the Tiva Launchpad Board part 1.

By Sarah Aman

This article will go through the process of downloading the Kiel IDE used to program the Tiva C Launchpad board.



OLED vs. LED Screens: Unveiling the Illuminating Differences

By Sarah Aman

Compare OLED and LED-backlit LCD screens side by side and uncover the key factors that differentiate these two display technologies.


Creating an Electronics Starter Kit

By Sarah Aman

Interested in getting started in electronics, but overwhelmed by the number of parts available? I have compiled a list of everything you need.