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Wirelessly Code your Bluetooth Device with CircuitPython

2024-03-18 | By Adafruit Industries

License: See Original Project Programmers Adafruit Feather

Courtesy of Adafruit

Guide by M. LeBlanc-Williams


Many people are familiar with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for ‎connecting peripherals such as mice and keyboards or event some ‎headphones or earbuds. However, BLE can do so much more. Did ‎you know you can transfer files over BLE? This is the basis for being ‎able to edit CircuitPython files directly on your device.‎


Adafruit has been working on a new web-based Code Editor for ‎CircuitPython. This allows you to edit files directly on your Bluetooth ‎devices using just the Chrome web browser without installing any ‎additional software. The great thing about this code editor is it is ‎written completely in JavaScript, so it only runs on your computer ‎and none of your data is ever uploaded to a server.‎

Last year's guide called Using the Bluefruit Dashboard with Web ‎Bluetooth in Chrome used Web Bluetooth to read sensors on a few ‎of the devices Adafruit offers. This was great for being able to test out ‎all of the sensors on the boards, but the code running on the board ‎was written in Arduino.‎

With the Code Editor, however, all of the BLE functions are built into ‎CircuitPython itself and so you can have it run any CircuitPython ‎script you would like while still retaining the ability to remotely edit ‎your files.‎

To get started, all you will need are a Bluetooth board with the ‎nRF52840 chip such as the Circuit Playground Bluefruit, Adafruit ‎CLUE, Feather nRF52840 Express, Feather nRF52840 Sense, BBC ‎micro:bit V2, LED Glasses Driver, or one of a number of other ‎Bluetooth boards that run CircuitPython.‎


Preparing Chrome

To use the Code Editor, you will need to do a little bit of setup in ‎Chrome. This involves setting a couple of flags to enable Web ‎Bluetooth and should be done regardless of your device or OS. There ‎are some basic instructions on the website when you first get there, ‎but the instructions below cover those in a bit more detail.‎

The flags are mostly required for storing the bond and reconnecting ‎because some of the functions fairly new. The exception is on Linux ‎where the flags are required to connect at all. So if you are on a non-‎Linux platform and would rather not enable the flags, keep in mind ‎that the connect button will not function and you will need to create ‎a new Bluetooth pairing each time you connect.‎


In the address bar for Chrome, type chrome://flags and press enter. ‎This will take you to the internal Chrome flags settings. In the search ‎box, type in enable-experimental-web-platform-features and you ‎should see only one result.‎


Change disabled to enabled.‎


In the search box, type in enable-web-bluetooth-new-permissions-‎backend and you should again see only one result. Change the ‎setting to Enabled and click the Relaunch button.‎


That's it! You should be ready to go.‎

Device Setup

In order to connect, first make sure you are running the latest version ‎of Adafruit CircuitPython for your board. You will need to be ‎running CircuitPython 7.1.0-beta.0 or later. ‎

Once you have that installed, head on over ‎to‎

Bluetooth Advertising Mode

Before connecting, you will need to place the device in Bluetooth ‎Advertising Mode. This allows devices to see the Bluetooth device. ‎When you power up the device, pay attention to the lights. It should ‎show a solid red light, followed by a blinking yellow light, and then a ‎blinking blue light. When the blinking blue light appears, press the ‎reset button.‎

You should see the lights go through the same sequence except this ‎time the blue light should be solid. Be sure to place the device in ‎fairly close proximity to the computer or mobile device or it may not show up.‎


Connecting a New Device for the First Time

The first time you connect, it you will need to create a bond with the ‎device. This allows it to access the files and stores the device ‎information in Chrome.‎

Android Devices

At this time, only Android devices with BLE hardware running a ‎more recent version of the operating system such as 6.0 or later will ‎work. If your device meets those requirements and once you have ‎enabled the options in Chrome, the connection steps are the same ‎as Chrome on Linux and macOS.‎

Chrome on macOS and Linux

With macOS or Linux, the Code Editor should work without ‎additional modification. Just click the Request Bluetooth ‎Device button, select the device from the list, and click Pair. ‎The Bond Bluetooth Device button should turn purple after a ‎moment, and you can click that.‎


Chrome on Windows

Chrome for windows has a known bug where if you attempt to ‎connect the Bluetooth device directly through the browser, it will ‎have errors connecting.‎

Of the different operating systems, Windows seems to be the most ‎finicky and sometimes will have difficulties reconnecting after the ‎first time.‎

To work around this, first go to the Bluetooth Devices settings. You ‎can get there by going to Settings, Devices, and make sure you are ‎on the Bluetooth & other devices tab.‎


Click Add Bluetooth or other device.‎


When the dialog comes up, choose Bluetooth.‎


Your device may appear as CIRC or CIRPY or something similar. Click ‎the device to connect. If you don't see it, make sure it has the ‎required version of CircuitPython, is in Bluetooth Advertising mode, ‎and is close enough to the computer.



Once you do that, you should be able to connect using the Connect ‎Button in the upper righthand corner in chrome.‎



Once you have connected a device, Chrome saves the Bluetooth ‎connection information for that device. To reconnect, make sure your ‎device is in Bluetooth Advertising mode and just click the Connect ‎Button in the upper righthand corner.‎


Troubleshooting Connection Issues

Unfortunately connecting with Bluetooth, the first time doesn't ‎always go so smoothly and can involve several attempts before it ‎successfully pairs and shows you the document. Also, Web ‎Bluetooth in general can be a little finicky at times.‎

Here are a few things to try if you are having trouble connecting:‎

  • Try reloading the web page.
  • Restart the device and put into advertising mode again.‎
  • Try removing any existing pairings from the device.‎
  • Try connecting through your Operating System Bluetooth ‎Devices first.
  • Try restarting your Browser.‎
  • Try going to chrome://bluetooth-internals, choose ‎the devices tab, and removing any existing devices in there.
  • In Chrome, go to Settings → Privacy and Security → Site ‎Settings → Additional Permissions → Bluetooth Devices and ‎make sure Sites can ask to connect to Bluetooth devices is ‎selected. Also, try removing any devices from here.‎
  • Open up the Console through the toolbar with 3 Dots ‎Menu → More Tools → Developer Tools and see if there are any ‎messages that might provide more clues.‎

The code editor is relatively new and there may be some bugs, so if ‎you find a reproducible bug, you can always open a new issue ‎at‎


Once you are connected, using the File Editor is pretty ‎straightforward. Currently you can only edit one file at a time to ‎reduce the design complexity.‎

Editor Mode

The editor mode is the main mode you will be using the ‎CircuitPython Code Editor in. This will allow you to do most of the ‎operations you need to edit and write new code. When you first open ‎the editor, it will attempt to load from the root directory of ‎the circuit board. If the file is not found, it will create a new unsaved ‎document for you to edit.‎


New File

This option will close any files you are currently working on after ‎making sure they are saved and create a brand-new file.‎


Open File

This option will allow you to open an existing file to work on editing. ‎The code editor tries to determine if the file you are trying to open is ‎a text file or binary file based on the file extension.‎


Save As

This will allow you to choose a filename to save your code as. If the ‎file already exists, it will prompt you if you want to overwrite the file. ‎Keep in mind that you can name it anything you want, but it is ‎naming it with an unexpected extension could have unexpected ‎results.‎


Save + Run ‎

These options will save your file. If you are working on a file, it will ‎prompt you to choose a filename and location. If you are working ‎on, it will send a Control+C and Control+D command to ‎restart CircuitPython. If you are working on another filename, it will ‎attempt to import the filename through the REPL.‎


Serial Mode

In serial mode, you can see the output of the CircuitPython device ‎and even enter commands through the REPL.‎



This button will send a Control+C and Control+D to the device in ‎order to soft restart CircuitPython.‎


Mobile Sizing

When the window is small enough, a mobile menu will appear as 3 ‎bars in order to reduce the amount of screen real estate that the ‎editor takes up. Additionally, only the filename and not the full path ‎will be displayed.‎


Clicking on the menu will display the editor functions that were ‎hidden allowing for full functionality even in mobile mode.‎


That's it! Enjoy using and if you would like to contribute to improving ‎the editor, you can submit a Pull Request ‎to‎

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