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Make Moves: 3D Print Your Own Longboard

2023-01-26 | By Lulzbot

License: See Original Project 3D Printing

Courtesy of Lulzbot

Guide by gwlatti

This fully functional 3D Printed longboard is just the start. Tweak the model to make it ‎your own, follow the steps below, and lean into the curves as you explore the ‎possibilities of functional design on four wheels.‎


What You'll Need


There are just five easy steps to make your own longboard!‎

Step 1:

‎‎3D print the four sections of the longboard deck.

‎Threaded rod fit may vary depending on the filament and profile used; some post ‎processing may be necessary. Perform a partial print to test the fit before printing all the ‎parts.‎

Step 2:

‎Cut 2x 3/8' threaded rods to 700mm to support the sides of the longboard. Then cut 1x ‎‎3/8' threaded rod to 820mm for the middle.‎

Step 3:‎

Assemble 3D printed deck sections onto threaded rods. Push each section on one at a ‎time.‎

Step 4:

Loosely attach 4x 3/8' nylock nuts and washers to the threaded rods. Then slowly ‎tighten the nylock nuts with a wrench to bring the sections together. This step may be ‎easier with another person holding on the other end.‎

Step 5:‎

Attach trucks and wheels with skateboard truck mounting hardware.‎‎ ‎‎ ‎

WARNING & DISCLAIMER: Products and designs such as those shown in this tutorial ‎can be dangerous. This tutorial and its contents are intended to be used for ‎informational and educational purposes only, and by using or relying on this tutorial or ‎its contents in any way, you expressly assume any and all risk associated therewith. ‎LulzBot and FAME 3D makes no claims, representations, or warranties, either express or ‎implied, as to the safety, reliability, durability, or fitness for a particular purpose of any ‎design, material, product, creation, or item you may use or generate based in whole or in ‎part on this tutorial. Individual results may vary depending on unknown variables, ‎including but not limited to, each user’s hardware, software, materials, environment, ‎experience, and actual or intended usage of the design, product, or creation. In no event ‎shall LulzBot or FAME 3D be liable whatsoever for any direct, indirect, punitive, ‎incidental, special, or consequential damages, to property or life, arising out of or ‎connected with the use or misuse of this tutorial, its contents, and any action you ‎choose to take based thereon.

制造商零件编号 KT-PR0051NA
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