制造商零件编号 KT-PR0047NA
License: See Original Project 3D Printing
Courtesy of Lulzbot
Guide by Lulzbot
For millions of years, humankind has been crafting tools that have been used to literally shape society throughout history! Tools are technology, something that makes completing a task easier and through this design challenge, students will engage with modern technology as they design, fabricate, and test tools of their own creation for a real-world task!
Lesson Overview:
Through this lesson, we will consider how tools have been crafted throughout time to complete various tasks, construct our cities, and form the modern world of technology and tools we rely on today!
Utilizing an engineering design process, students will research, brainstorm, design, and fabricate their own tool that can be used to complete a task more easily than without. We’ve all used a ruler to take measurements, or a screwdriver to take something apart, imagine trying to do those things without the right tool for the job! From tweezers to clamps, students can consider creating a prototype of an existing tool or design a tool that is entirely unique for a situation they determine!
Through their research and designed solutions, students will utilize computer aided design software, or CAD, to assist in creating a prototype solution that will be produced using modern tools, such as 3D printers! Students will then have the opportunity to test and evaluate their solutions under real-world specifications and constraints of a design challenge. Through this activity, our students will not only learn about the purpose and evolution of tools but create their own!
Assorted 3D Printed Prototype Usable Tool Examples and a LulzBot Mini 2 3D Printer
Utilizing an Engineering Design Process:
An Engineering Design Process, or design loop, is a method used by scientists, designers, and engineers to develop solutions to our everyday problems. Through a design loop, students will develop skills in problem solving as they brainstorm solutions and work to create a prototype through hands-on activities.
Design loops come in many shapes and sizes, but none are ever truly ending. The “last” step of any design loop is redesign, or reflection, where we look at what we’ve learned in our developed prototype to improve upon its design. Not being afraid of failure is a powerful concept that leads to greater success and implementation of problem solving.
Lesson Objectives:
This is a list of materials each student will need to complete this lesson:
In addition to this lesson plan, see our One Page Brief [PDF] that can be used to guide students through the lesson. Additional examples as to how this lesson could be modified are:
Based upon the age of your students, introduce the concepts of technology and evolution of tools, as well as real-world machinery and rapid prototyping techniques, using terms and concepts familiar to their prior experiences and needs.
Offering opportunities to allow for personal interest and passions to be included in prototype design may foster higher engagement and interest among students. Consider creating real-world scenarios, or open-ended selection to allow students to create a tool for something they enjoy doing, like a fishing knot tying tool or a bike wrench. Choose constraints and content that fit the needs and interests of your students.
Proper safety procedures should be introduced to students when working in any makerspace or lab environment. When students are around machines such as 3D printers, or using tools to cut or glue materials, students must be informed of potential hazards and taught how to use resources safely. For reference, see the safety resources offered by ITEEA.
Opportunities for formative assessments will take place through observations and discussions between students as they interact with the content in this lesson. For summative assessment, we recommend utilizing a rubric to assess how a student was able to apply the engineering design process to solve an open-ended problem. Example Rubric - PDF
Essential Questions:
Using a 3D printed C clamp prototype tool to attach and secure a video camera to a LulzBot Mini 2
Printed on a LulzBot TAZ SideKick 747 3D printer using PLA
Identify the Problem
What Do Tools Do?
When we think of technology, what comes to mind? The first few things are probably a computer, or a smart phone, or a TV, or even a 3D printer. While all of that is true, and these are all examples of modern technology, technology is not a new concept.
Technology can be defined as a man-made (not found in nature) device or system that makes completing a task easier then without. So yes, a computer is absolutely technology, could you image learning about this lesson without it? But a pencil is also technology, as are scissors, and many other things we classify as tools!
A tool is a form of technology that is designed to complete a particular function or task. For example, a screwdriver is used to install or remove screws. Scissors are used to cut paper and thin materials, while a hammer is used to drive or remove nails. Without tools, our modern society, infrastructure, and even modern technology like the internet would not exist! Traditional tools are typically quite simple and complete a single or series of common tasks, while modern tools and machines often use electricity, computers, or code to complete a series of tasks with greater ease!
But who creates tools? And who determines when new tools are needed? Engineers, designers, and you do!
Tools are created to fill a need and to make a task easier to do. So, when humans are struggling or in need of assistance, an engineer or designer may create a tool that will assist and make life a bit easier through the creation of a new tool or system! Tools have been crafted for millenniums to support humans as they have built homes, created art and music, cooked food, crafted clothing, and developed more advanced tools. Some would even say that the creation and use of tools are what define humankind as a species.
Using a 3D printed 1/8” screwdriver handle and hex bit to remove a screw on a LulzBot Mini 2 3D Printer
Identify the Problem
Consider how we complete everyday tasks. What items assist us in our everyday lives? Things like a ruler, fork, or stapler are often things we use without considering how they came to be, or who created them, or how we would get by without them. Through this challenge, you will identify a task that could be made simpler with a tool created for that specific task, then create it!
Using an engineering design process and modern prototyping techniques, you will design and fabricate a usable tool that makes completing your identified task easier to do! Consider the following constraints to guide you through this challenge:
Offer examples of modern technology, as well as traditional tools as connections between the evolution of technology are made.
Teacher Instructions:
Encourage open discussion as students define technology. Sure, computers are technology, but so is a pencil, or a coffee mug, as well as the machines used to create these items!
The concept of tools can be difficult for students to understand when little prior experience in construction or prototyping exists. Provide examples on how things are made, why hammers are useful, as well as create connections to tools students may be more familiar with like a ruler, or drawing compass, or pair of scissors.
Students will be able to identify the role specifications and constraints play in a real-world design challenge.
Teacher Instructions:
There is no one answer to any solution, nor is there one specific set of constraints for any design challenge. See examples for how to adapt and modify the specifications and constraints of this design challenge under the “Modifications” and “Considerations” section of the lesson introduction.
Brainstorm Possible Solutions
Why Solutions and Not Solution?
The second step of our Engineering Design Process is “Brainstorm Possible Solutions.” A key part of this step is solutions being plural, meaning more than one. Why do designers and engineers think of more than one way to solve a problem?
Students will obtain a greater understanding of how the engineering design processed is used to solve real-world problems.
Teacher Instructions:
Adapt key phrases, concepts, and terms to best fit your students’ needs. Main idea is there is NEVER any one solution to a problem. If possible, provide an example that relates to your students’ lives, like all of their different shoes, or phones, or video game consoles. Emphasize the importance of variety and why we must, as designers, think of as many ideas as possible.
Brainstorming OUR Solutions
As we work to think of different ways to solve this problem, there are a few things we can consider assisting in our design. The first is to determine what situation or scenario is in need of a tool to assist in its completion! Consider tasks you encounter everyday, could something be created to assist you as you complete them? What about a device to hold wire while you solder? Or something to assist in maintaining and calibrating your 3D printer? Maybe even a drawing tool specific to your needs or designed to custom fit your unique hand size? Through your creative thinking and the utilization of an engineering design process, anything is possible!
An effective strategy to designing a solution is to research and learn from existing solutions. Investigate existing tools and devices that serve a similar purpose to the one you wish to create, as well as consider how they could be changed or improved.
After researching existing solutions, begin to design your own unique tool! Remember to consider the specifications and constraints of the design challenge as you brainstorm different potential prototype solutions to this problem. The constraints may not only guide your decision making, but also ensure you have a real-world solution to problem.
Thumbnail sketches are a great way to think of many ideas quickly without getting caught up on the details. Once you’ve completed the thumbnail sketches, narrow your choices down as you create your final design. For your final sketch, create a clear design that is neat and labeled. Consider drawing your design from multiple views (front, top, side, or isometric) to better portray your ideas.
Using the lesson One Page Design Brief and prototype tools to brainstorm different ideas for the design challenge
Teacher Instructions:
Emphasize coming up with as many ideas as possible as students will tend to want to go with their first idea. Also reiterate the real-world specifications and constraints of the design challenge and ensure students are factoring them into their designed solution. The detail in technical drawings can be modified based on age and prior skill of students, as can resources provided to students in order to support the brainstorming stage. Offering additional materials to work with, such as screws, fasteners, or springs, may foster greater creativity while also offering mediums students are familiar with. Inform students of what materials they can use as they begin to design their prototype solutions. See the “Modifications” and “Considerations” section of the lesson introduction for more examples on how to modify this design challenge to cater to available resources within your instructional space.
Develop A Prototype
What is 3D Printing?
Step 3 of the engineering design process is all about constructing our prototype solutions! In this step, we are going to get hands-on with software and machinery to create our final designs.
One of the key prototyping machines used by today’s professional designers, engineers, and scientists is a 3D printer. There are a lot of different types of 3D printers out there, but all 3D printers create physical objects you can touch, and hold based on a 3D design or digital model. Some 3D printers melt rolls of plastic into the model, while others use light to harden a liquid resin. There are even 3D printers that can print concrete, metal, or living cell tissue!
LulzBot 3D printers use the fused deposition modeling process (FDM) that feeds and melts spools of plastic through a nozzle, kind of like glue traveling through a hot glue gun. The plastic is fed, or extruded, layer by layer to create the model designed in computer aided design (CAD) software. Once we design our prototype usable tool models in CAD software, we will be able to send them to 3D printers to be manufactured!
Teacher Instructions:
Introducing and over viewing the resources available for prototyping before beginning construction is key. Make sure your students know what resources are available, as well as how to use them safely. Introduce any additional resources available for prototyping during this step (see Modifications in lesson introduction.)
Students will be able to identify how 3D printers work, and how to use them safely.
Printing prototype parts for a C clamp tool on a LulzBot TAZ SideKick 747 3D printer using PLA
Developing our 3D Models
Now that we’ve brainstormed our prototype tools, it is time to begin to fabricate them! But before we can 3D print our parts; we need a 3D design. To create this, we will use computer aided design software, or CAD. There’s plenty of great free CAD programs out there, we recommend Tinkercad, FreeCAD, Fusion360, or OnShape for students.
As we design our tool to complete the identified task, we must consider a few things in our design to ensure its successful performance after production. The first thing to consider are its dimensions, or measurements. If you are creating something like a screwdriver that needs to hold a bit, it is important to obtain the size of the bit first to make sure it will fit into your design. Additionally, creating a tool that is ergonomic, or comfortable to use is an important factor we must consider. Consider measuring your hand, as well as observing your posture to ensure the tool will be comfortable to use. Creating unique tools opens up endless opportunities at making solutions that are unique to you and your own needs! Taking these dimensions can often be difficult, but fortunately there are existing tools like rulers, tape measures, and calipers that can help! Consider making a cardboard or paper prototype before a 3D model as a reference point and quick draft of your design for more effective prototyping!
Using 3D printed calipers fixed to a metal ruler to take accurate measurements of a part needed for assembly as we design our 3D models in CAD.
Printed on a LulzBot TAZ SideKick 747 3D printer using PLA.
Students will utilize CAD Software to create a 3D model of their designed solutions.
Teacher Instructions:
Students may better understand the purpose of CAD after being initially introduced to rapid prototyping production machinery. For beginners, experimentation is key when learning the basics of CAD software. Encourage patience and offer tutorials or techniques to support learners. Working with a USB mouse often makes CAD easier to use.
Developing Our Models
When creating a design that has parts that fit together, whether they are non-3d printed parts with 3d printed ones, like a pencil fitting into a compass, or 3d printed parts that must be assembled like a threaded screw, it’s also always a good idea to include tolerances in your design.
Tolerances can be added to your dimensions to act as “wiggle room”, in your design. Tolerances are important to ensure things fit together or to ensure that they are not too tight after printing as 3D printer material tends to shrink during production. In general, adding 1/16” to dimensions acts as a general tolerance when working with PLA. Note, model shrinking and required tolerances can vary based on filament, printer, printing conditions, and print orientation.
Another great way to determine fit and function of your designs prior to printing is through simulated assemblies. This is a more advanced method, but CAD programs like Onshape allow you to assemble parts together to test their function and catch any flaws you may run into prior to production. Simpler programs like Tinkercad even allow you to add non-3d printed materials, like cardboard tubes or popsicle sticks, into your design to see how your models may interact with everyday objects! All of these digital features are modern tools that aid in the creation of new tools and technology!
Using the advanced Onshape CAD program to create a mock assembly of prototype 3D printed parts with non-3D printed ones before production
Once students have completed their designs, it’s time to download and prepare them to use Cura. Cura is not a CAD program in that it allows you to design your models. Instead, Cura “slices” models layer by layer to create a program file, or Gcode file, for the 3D printer to read. This Gcode file is a set of directions that the 3D printer follows as it prints your model.
In general, we recommend PLA filament for most classroom uses as it’s a safe plastic to print in schools and prints easily in nearly any setting. PLA works well for most applications and light duty uses. For tools that need to be particularly strong, consider using ABS, Nylon, or Polycarbonate filaments for higher strength applications. LulzBot 3D printers can print tons of different filaments right out of the box, and additional tool heads can also be equipped to access even more filament and production capabilities on your printers!
In addition to considering filament choice, we must also consider print quality and slicing settings as we produce our tools:
Other considerations for preparing our models are fill density, support material, and bed adhesion. Fill density is how much material fills the model, or how hollow it will be. A higher density will take longer to print and use more material, but also make a stronger and more durable print. Support material is automatically drawn by Cura to fill any gaps or overhangs in your students’ designs, while bed adhesion can be used to increase the amount of surface area touching the build plate. Supports and brims can be carefully peeled off and removed after printing.
Students will understand how 3D models designed in CAD are prepared and sent to 3D printers for manufacturing.
Teacher Instructions:
Depending on your student age group and classroom resources, the teacher may need to slice the models for the students. Ensure proper settings are chosen for selected filament and model quality. Reference LulzBot guides and tutorials for assistance.
Discussing Gcode is a good lesson in itself! Gcode is a list of directions for the machines to follow and can be read using a basic text program. Did you know early CNC machines required people to write Gcode manually? Luckily, we have Cura for that now!
Preparing multiple prototype tool models to be printed using the Cura LulzBot Edition slicer application. Settings shown are for a LulzBot TAZ SideKick 747 with the SE tool head and PLA Filament.
Constructing our Prototypes
In the final part of this stage in the engineering design process, we must construct our prototypes after all parts have been 3D printed. Depending on available resources and the specifications and constraints of the challenge, this step may involve assembling 3D printed parts together using screws or other fasteners or assembling 3d printed parts to non-3d printed parts like springs, bits, or pencils. Time needed for construction will vary based on the available resources and materials students have to build with.
Remember, proper safety procedures should be introduced to students when working in any makerspace or lab environment. When students are around machines such as 3D printers, or using tools to cut or glue materials together, students must be informed of potential hazards and taught how to use these resources safely. For reference, see the safety resources offered by ITEEA.
Materials and tools for prototype construction.
Students will use available resources and apply proper safety techniques to construct their prototype solutions.
Teacher Instructions:
Available resources and additional materials will vary based upon the specifications and constraints of the design challenge. Consider offering springs, fasteners, or hot glue to enhance amplification device design and creation in an open-ended design challenge. For more examples, see the “Modifications” and “Considerations” sections in the lesson introduction.
Safety is key. Ensure all students have been trained to use any available tools or resources and organize your room to ensure these resources can be monitored accordingly.
Using a soldering iron to install a threaded brass knurled insert nut into a prototype drawing compass tool
Printed on a LulzBot Mini 2 using PLA
Test and EvaluateTesting & Evaluating our Tools
In this stage of the design process, it is time to get hands-on with our designed prototype tools in order to determine their effectiveness in solving this real-world problem and identified task!
During the testing stages of the engineering design process, we must place our prototype solutions into a real-world environment to determine how they perform. Testing situations may vary between tools as each student created a unique solution to an identified task. Offering opportunities for students to share and collaborate during the testing stages may enhance understandings and better foster creativity among students. Consider challenging students to test each other’s prototypes, then provide constructive feedback in a safe and collaborative environment.
During testing, safety and operational procedures must be established to ensure all tools can withstand the environment they are being placed in without creating potential hazards. The teacher should inspect procedures, as well as monitor testing closely while making students aware of potential hazards during this stage.
Planning document [PDF] or notebook to record findings and discoveries during testing stages of the design process.
Teacher Instructions:
Challenge students to think critically as they compare their designed solutions to the identified problem as well as existing solutions. Remind students that these are PROTOTYPES, not finished models and that failure or room for improvement is expected and GOOD when designing solutions to real-world problems. Encourage students to think critically as to how their prototypes compare to real-world solutions.
Using a prototype tool to assist in drawing a line down the center of an edge on a piece of wood
Printed on a LulzBot Mini 2 using PLA
No design is perfect, nor is it ever truly finished. As new technology is developed, improvements like cost, speed, performance, or aesthetics can always be made. When considering redesign, we must look at both the successes and failures of our prototypes. A failed design does not mean we failed; it means we have room to improve upon for the next prototype solution!
Consider collected feedback obtained through testing and observations made in the previous step. What worked well? What could be improved? Could you improve your tool’s ergonomics or aesthetics to make it more comfortable to use or better reflect a real-world solution? Does your tool complete the identified task effectively, or is there room for improvement within its functionality? Record your thoughts and findings as well as create a sketch of an improved prototype design with changes you would make to allow your solution to better meet the evaluation criteria and solve our real-world problem more effectively. Your sketch should be neat and label the changes you are making to improve your solution’s performance.
Teacher Instructions:
Stress the importance of failure in design and engineering. No one enjoys failing, or not doing well, but the redesign step is a chance to reflect on both the good and bad of our designed solutions. Additionally, we can use observations made from other solutions as we create a proposed redesign with everything we’ve learned.
Drawn and written redesign activities both work well with varying learning styles, we recommend a combination of the two. If time permits, students may use CAD to make a 3D model of their redesigned solution or even attempt to create a new solution entirely.
Planning document or Drawing Paper [PDF]
Students will utilize the engineering design process to reflect and improve upon their designs as they create a proposed redesigned solution.
Two different tweezer prototypes are shown, one that is normally open while the other is normally closed
Printed on a LulzBot Mini 2 using PLA