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Another Ambassador Moment: Rescue Robot: Scouting Owl

2021-07-02 | By Robby Huang

License: Attribution

Project Objective

In an incident such as a gas leakage, nuclear explosion, or any environment that has potential threats to the life of the rescuer, a rescue robot can play an important role in searching for survivors and studying the hazardous conditions. We need a robot that can detect survivors, avoid obstacles, scout the environment, and communicate with survivors in extreme environments.



Scouting Owl is a robot that allows the rescuers to detect and communicate with a survivor in an environment that is not yet suitable for in-person rescue. To perform the critical rescue task, we built a Raspberry Pi 4 based robot with the following functions:

  • Establish a reliable half-duplex connection between the robot and the control device.
  • Fetch and display a live IR camera feed along with sensor data on the display device.
  • Send commands from the control device to the robot.
  • Implement a function for the robot to map the surrounding area and display the map on the screen.

Hardware Design

The diagram below shows the wiring of our system. We used both 5 V and 3.3 V to power sensors depending on their operating voltage. For the sensor that requires a 5 V, we used resistors to divide its output voltage to protect the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi.


Infrared Thermal Camera


To get a live feed of our surroundings, we used the Adafruit AMG8833 IR Thermal Camera. This camera module has 12 pins, out of which we only used 4. To get data from the camera, we used the I2C communication protocol. We also needed to install the "adafruit_amg88xx" library to use the module. Once running, the module returns an array of 64 individual infrared temperature readings over I2C. This module can measure temperatures ranging from 0°C to 80°C with an accuracy of ± 2.5°C making it ideal for our application. It can also detect a human from a distance of up to 7 meters. In order to get an image from the 8x8 array, we used image processing using the SciPy python library to interpolate the 8x8 grid. Additionally, Fusion 360 was used as a computer aided design (CAD) tool to create an owl shape mechanical mounting bracket to mount the IR camera securely and enhance the aesthetic of the robot.


Fusion 360 to create an owl shaped mechanical mount and 3D printed it to mount the IR camera securely and enhance the aesthetic of the robot.

Implementing Sensors

Along with the IR camera, our rescue robot is equipped with the following sensors:

  • The flame sensor: We used the flame sensor to see if there is any fire nearby. If so, the rescuers are alerted about it on the display device. This sensor gives out a digital output corresponding to whether a fire is present or not. In order to receive the output, we used an edge-triggered callback function because it saves precious CPU cycles.a
  • The water sensor: We used the water sensor to see the presence of water. Since our robot is an electronic device, it is prone to short circuits when it comes in contact with water. Similar to the flame sensor, this sensor gives out a digital output corresponding to whether water is present or not. To receive the output, we used an edge-triggered callback function because it saves precious CPU cycles. Initially, while testing the flame sensor, we were using a piezo-electric barbeque lighter. We were hoping to see the results we wanted to see. However, we found out that the lighter triggered both flame and the water sensor and all for the wrong reasons. After debugging for hours, we found out that the lighter we were using generated thousands of volts for a short period which resulted in the generation of electromagnetic (EM) waves. These waves were intercepted by the wires acting as an antenna which triggered the interrupts.
  • The radiation sensor: We added a long wire connected to a free GPIO pin to utilize the above phenomenon. This wire acts as an antenna and can detect such bursts of radiation. To test our hypothesis, we hooked up the wire to an oscilloscope and tested the result. We found out that it does detect EM discharges.
  • The temperature sensor: In order to get a measurement of the temperature, we used the LM393 temperature sensor. This sensor gives out a raw ADC value which needs to be converted into the corresponding temperature value using the expression: temperature=10∗log10(10000∗(3.3∗1024adc−1))−10
  • The ultrasonic sensor: In order to keep track of the distance, we used the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. This sensor has a range of about 2 meters beyond which its accuracy starts decreasing rapidly. The purpose of this sensor is to avoid collisions and map the area around the robot. Moreover, we modularized the voltage divider part of our ultrasonic sensor and used a protoboard to provide both mechanical and electrical connections with the breadboard.e
  • The Speaker: In order to communicate with the person being rescued, we also added a Bluetooth speaker which can be controlled directly from the Python script. To play and record audio, the rescuer can simply tap the corresponding button on the screen and control the audio playback.

Software Design

The software design of the project consists of two main parts:

  • The Python program running on the Raspberry Pi.
  • The Android application running on the user device.

The main architecture of the software design is based on the fact that the Android app and the Python program communicate with each other over a TCP/IP server. The Python program creates a TCP/IP server and opens up a socket for communication. Once the socket is created, it listens and waits for clients to connect to it. Once a client is connected to the server, the main Python program starts executing. During each cycle of execution, the data packet that is sent consists of the following components:

  • The IR camera feed:
    • The pixel array
    • The bicubics array
    • The color array
  • The sensor values:
    • The water sensor data
    • The fire sensor data
    • The radiation sensor data
    • The temperature sensor data
    • The ultrasonic data

The Python Program


All these different data values are semi-colon (";") delimited and the values in the same data array are comma (",") delimited. All these data points are appended in a single string. The string is then encoded and sent over the TCP/IP socket. After sending the data, the server then waits for the commands from the client in a blocking manner. Once a string is received, the server decodes the string and changes the functions as per the received command.

The Ultrasonic Sensor

The ultrasonic sensor uses the time of flight of sound to measure distance. We sent a 0.01 millisecond pulse to the trigger pin of the ultrasonic sensor and took input from the echo pin. Then used the time difference between the trig output and echo input to calculate the distance traveled of the sound back and forth from the detected object and divided that by two. Then we simply used the expression: distance = speed × time



We used an MCP3008 to do the analog-to-digital conversion. It is an 8-channel, 10-bit analog-to-digital converter. ‘8 channel’ means that it can accept up to 8 different analog voltages. The 10-bit property is the resolution of the ADC, or the precision to which it can measure a voltage. Since the SPI library was broken, we had to implement it from scratch using bitbanging.



Mapping using only the ultrasonic sensor was challenging as there was no feedback to test how much the robot has moved, so we needed to approach the problem creatively. Since the Scouting Owl is not equipped with localization sensors (IMU or GPS), we needed to make sure we knew the robot's position for every measurement data. Therefore, we made the robot turn in place for a complete circle with a fixed number of sample points so that the robot was always at (0,0) and the position could be calculated using the linspace function.


Knowing the robot position and the coordinates of the measurement point in the robotic frame, we were able to convert those into the global frame using a rotation matrix and map all of them.

The Android Application


The Android application works similarly. When the client starts, it searches for the server with the given credentials. Once it is connected to the server, it waits for data to be received in a blocking manner. Once the data is received, the client decodes the data, splits it into IR camera feed and sensor values, and updates the values on the screen. Once the screen has been updated, the client checks for button presses. If a button has been pressed, the client encodes the associated command and sends it over to the server. Otherwise, it encodes the stop command and sends the command over to the said server.

The Android application has a very minimalistic design. It shows the IR camera feed in the center with a data display panel. This panel is used to view the data received from all the sensors. It also has 10 buttons:

  • UP: Pressing the UP button moves the robot forward.
  • DOWN: Pressing the DOWN button moves the robot backwards.
  • LEFT: Pressing the LEFT button rotates the robot in the counter-clockwise direction.
  • RIGHT: Pressing the RIGHT button rotates the robot in the clockwise direction.
  • INC: Pressing the INC button increases the robot move speed.
  • DEC: Pressing the DEC button reduces the robot move speed.
  • HELP: Pressing the HELP button plays a pre-recorded message.
  • RECORD: Pressing the RECORD button prompts the person being rescued to record their message.
  • PLAY: Pressing the PLAY button plays the sound recorded by the person being rescued.
  • MAP: Pressing the MAP button creates a map of the surrounding area.


The biggest challenge while implementing the said algorithm was that the Wi-Fi router at our apartment was blocking the TCP/IP packets and therefore, wasn't allowing the connection between the server and the client to be established. In order to tackle this problem, we simply connected the RaspberryPi and the Android device to Cornell's open "RedRover". This allowed us to implement the system quite effectively.

Another challenge we faced on the software side was that connecting to RedRover didn't allow us to update our kernel or install any new package. The reason behind this is that RedRover needs the users to login using Cornell NetID. Once logged in, we were able to use it like any other network.


To ensure that we kept making progress, we strictly followed this checklist so that we could have a smooth workflow and systematic approach to the overall objective.

In order to see how well the system worked, we tested each and every component quite extensively. We carried out the following tests:

  • User control test: As the first step towards testing, we turned the power on and started the program. Then we tested out all the motion control buttons and verified that all the buttons were functioning as they should. We found out that there was a bit of latency because of large data packets being transmitted, but the robot was responding as it should.
  • Ultrasonic test: Next, we began testing the ultrasonic sensor to test the accuracy in the measurement of distance. Moreover, as a security feature, we also tested if the robot stops moving forward when the distance between an obstacle and the robot is less than a certain threshold value (15 cms in this case). The test revealed that the distance is accurate within 1 cm for a range of 4 cm to 200 cm. The distance is unmeasurable below 4 cm and the accuracy falls rapidly beyond 200 cm. Moreover, the robot does stop automatically and does not move forward when the distance goes below the set threshold.
  • Flame test: The next sensor we tested was the flame sensor. In order to do so, we used a flint spark lighter and brought the flame close to the sensor. The main objective was to test how quickly the sensor reading changes in response to the flame and to figure out the maximum distance at which the flame is detected. The test revealed that the reading changes almost instantaneously in response to the flame. Also, the sensor was able to detect the lighter flame well over 1 meter when the flame was directly above the flame sensor. We also hypothesize that the distance will be even greater in case of larger flames. However, we did not have the required tools to safely test this out for larger flames.f
  • Water test: In order to safely test the working of the water sensor, we used a cup of water and dipped the water sensor in the cup. The main idea was to test how quickly the sensor detects water. The test resulted in confirmation of the fact that the water was detected as soon as about 0.5 cm of the sensor was dipped in the water.w
  • Radiation test: In order to test the radiation, we used the piezo-electric barbeque lighter to generate a large voltage discharge. We found out that it was toggling the radiation flag quite effectively. However, it was also mistakenly toggling the flame and water sensor flags. To avoid this, we simply toggled those flags back in the radiation sensor callback and it worked like a charm.
  • Mapping test: In order to test how well the mapping worked, we placed the robot in a hallway and mapped the hallway for various locations quite extensively. The results of the mapping were generally quite decent with a few inaccuracies. However, the bigger picture was quite comprehensible and understandable.m
  • Audio test: In order to test the audio output and input, we connected the Bluetooth speaker to the RaspberryPi and played the audio files. We also tested the microphone input by recording the audio messages and playing them back. The audio recordings were quite legible.


The project progressed mostly as we planned. We were able to implement all the sensors and features that we planned for. Moreover, we were also able to stay on track and save enough time to implement the mapping feature. We were able to develop the data packet structure to send data from server to client and get a response in return. Although there were a few hiccups like a few broken libraries and connection issues due to the router blocking our TCP/IP packets, we were able to figure out the workarounds and stay on track in order to finish the project on time. We also managed to implement the mapping function which was very difficult to get right.


We are proud that all features are well integrated and the user experience is decent. The user can remotely control the robot with their phone over a Wi-Fi network. The Scouting Owl keeps streaming its surroundings with the IR camera and constantly updates sensor information that benefits the rescuer: temperature, water level, and flame. It can even generate a clear local map with only the ultrasonic sensor and can establish back and forth conversations with the rescuee. All the features mentioned are well integrated into the concise Android application. Overall, our project covered a wide range of topics and required skill sets from computer science (Application development, TCP/IP communication), electrical engineering (sensors, embedded system programming), and mechanical engineering (CAD, 3D printing).

Despite accomplishments, we also learned a lot when getting stuck. We discovered that the communication between the Android device and the Raspberry Pi can not be established in a private Wi-Fi network. We found a lot of broken libraries when trying to integrate sensors which may suggest that a better solution may be using a microcontroller and establishing communication with it. Learning about the limitations and advantages of a Raspberry Pi will help us to make better design choices in future projects.

Future Scope

Although Scouting Owl is in amazing shape given that it is a month-long project, we can still elevate it in a lot of different ways:

  • With the 8 channel ADC converter, we can include more analog sensors that tell us more information about the environment. For example, we can add photo-resistors, a humidity sensor, and a motion detector.
  • As mentioned above, Raspberry Pi is not ideal for directly interfacing with sensors, so using a microcontroller in a data acquisition board and to communicate sensor readings with the Pi may be a more optimal and professional solution.
  • We can enhance mapping if we use a GPS or IMU to collect information and then use an Extended Kalman Filter to perform localization for the robot. In this way, we can create a much larger map. To map with higher precision, we can use the Intel real sense depth sensor that provides 9 depth measurements from 9 different angles at each time interval.
  • We can also implement a feedback mechanism for each motor so that they are closed-loop controlled. To implement that, we can connect an encoder on the motor shaft and then tune it with a control algorithm such as PID (proportional, integral, and derivative). A closed-loop controlled motor moves more gradually and will allow sensors to collect more accurate data.


  • AMG8833 IR Thermal Camera: $26.99
  • Mini USB Microphone: $5.95
  • JBL Go Speaker: $10.00
  • Water Level Sensor, Flame Sensor, Analog Temperature Sensor Ultrasonic: $10.00
  • MCP3008: $3.75
  • Raspberry Pi 4: $35.00
  • Robot Kit: N/A
  • Overall: $91.69


Processing (Software used for Android app development)

Thermal Camera Input

Ultrasonic Sensor

Audio Input


Audio Output


Copy Code
#Include all the libraries
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #The GPIO library
import time #The time library
import sys #The sys library
import os #The os library
import pygame #The pygame library
from math import * #The math library
import numpy as np #The numpy library
import busio #The bus input output library
import board #The board library
import socket #The TCP IP socket library
from scipy.interpolate import griddata #The scipy library
from colour import Color #The colour library
import adafruit_amg88xx #The adafruit library for IR camera
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #The matplotlib library

pygame.mixer.init() #Pygame mixer initialization for sounds
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #Set BCM for GPIO

motor1PWMPin = 26 #PWM Pin for motor 1
motor1Pin1 = 5 #Pin 1 for motor 1
motor1Pin2 = 6 #Pin 2 for motor 1
motor2PWMPin = 16 #PWM Pin for motor 2
motor2Pin1 = 20 #Pin 1 for motor 2
motor2Pin2 = 21 #Pin 2 for motor 2

freq = 50 #Set PWM frequency to 50 Hz
dutyCycle = 50 #Set default duty cycle to 50%

CLK = 11 #Clock pin for SPI
MISO = 9 #MISO pin for SPI
MOSI = 10 #MOSI pin for SPI
CS = 17 #Chip Select pin for SPI

GPIO_TRIGGER = 18 #Trigger pin for ultrasonic
GPIO_ECHO = 24 #Echo pin for ultrasonic
GPIO_WATERLEVEL = 22 #Pin for water level sensor
GPIO_FLAME = 13 #Pin for flame level sensor
GPIO_ANTENNA = 27 #Pin for sensing radiation

GPIO.setup(motor1PWMPin, GPIO.OUT) #Setup motor 1 PWM pin as output
GPIO.setup(motor1Pin1, GPIO.OUT) #Setup motor 1 pin 1 as output
GPIO.setup(motor1Pin2, GPIO.OUT) #Setup motor 1 pin 2 as output
GPIO.setup(motor2PWMPin, GPIO.OUT) #Setup motor 2 PWM pin as output
GPIO.setup(motor2Pin1, GPIO.OUT) #Setup motor 2 pin 1 as output
GPIO.setup(motor2Pin2, GPIO.OUT) #Setup motor 2 pin 2 as output
GPIO.output(motor1Pin1, GPIO.LOW) #Set motor 1 pin 1 to be low
GPIO.output(motor1Pin2, GPIO.LOW) #Set motor 1 pin 2 to be low
GPIO.output(motor2Pin1, GPIO.LOW) #Set motor 2 pin 1 to be low
GPIO.output(motor2Pin2, GPIO.LOW) #Set motor 2 pin 2 to be low
motor1PWM = GPIO.PWM(motor1PWMPin, freq) #Initialize motor 1 PWM pin
motor2PWM = GPIO.PWM(motor2PWMPin, freq) #Initialize motor 2 PWM pin
motor1PWM.start(dutyCycle) #Start motor 1 PWM with the given duty cycle
motor2PWM.start(dutyCycle) #Start motor 2 PWM with the given duty cycle

GPIO.setup(GPIO_TRIGGER, GPIO.OUT) #Setup trigger pin as output
GPIO.setup(GPIO_ECHO, GPIO.IN) #Setup echo pin as input
GPIO.setup(GPIO_WATERLEVEL, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_DOWN) #Setup water level sensor pin as pulled down input
GPIO.setup(GPIO_FLAME, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_DOWN) #Setup flame sensor pin as pulled down input
GPIO.setup(GPIO_ANTENNA, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_DOWN) #Setup radiation sensor pin as pulled down input

fireVar = "No Fire" #Value for fire data to be sent
waterVar = "No Water" #Value for water data to be sent
radiationVar = "No Radiation" #Value for radiation data to be sent

MINTEMP = 26.0 #Minimum temperature to be detected
MAXTEMP = 32.0 #Maximum temperature to be detected
COLORDEPTH = 1024 #Colour depth to be 1024

distVar = 50 #Value for distance sensor
tempVar = 25 #Temperature data to be sent
distToStop = 15 #Distance threshold for the robot to stop

command = "STOP" #The command to control robot
prevCommand = "STOP" #The last received command

#Constraint function to limit the value
def constrain(val, min_val, max_val):
return min(max_val, max(min_val, val))

#Function to fetch the distance from the ultrasonic sensor
def distance():
GPIO.output(GPIO_TRIGGER, False)

StartTime = time.time()
StopTime = time.time()

while GPIO.input(GPIO_ECHO) == 0:
StartTime = time.time()

while GPIO.input(GPIO_ECHO) == 1:
StopTime = time.time()

TimeElapsed = StopTime - StartTime
distance = (TimeElapsed * 34300) / 2
return distance

#Function to convert robot coordinates to global coordinates
def robot2global(pose, xyR):
theta = pose[2]
Trg = [[cos(theta), -sin(theta), pose[0]],
[sin(theta), cos(theta), pose[1]],
[0, 0, 1]]
Trg = np.array(Trg)
xyR = np.array(xyR)
xyG = np.matmul(Trg, xyR.transpose())
xyG = xyG[0:2]
return xyG

#The mapping function
def startMap():
global dutyCycle, motor1Pin1, motor1Pin2, motor2Pin1, motor2Pin2, motor1PWM, motor2PWM

#Change the duty cycle to 100%

distArray = []
sensorOrigin = [10.8, 0]
numPt = 200 #Number of points to be plotted
theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, numPt)

#Fetch the distance for all the points
for i in range(0, numPt):
GPIO.output(motor1Pin1, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(motor1Pin2, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin1, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin2, GPIO.LOW)
xVal = []
yVal = []
for i in range(0, numPt):
dpy = 0
dpx = distArray[i] + sensorOrigin[0]
depthPtG = robot2global([0,0,theta[i]], [dpx, dpy])
plt.plot(0, 0, 'r+') #Plot the bot as a red +
plt.plot(xVal, yVal, 'bo') #Plot the distances as blue circles #Show the plot
#Change the duty cycle back

#Function to map a value in a given range
def map_value(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min

#Setup the SPI pins
def setupSpiPins(clkPin, misoPin, mosiPin, csPin):
GPIO.setup(clkPin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(misoPin, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.setup(mosiPin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(csPin, GPIO.OUT)

#Read the ADC values using SPI
def readAdc(channel, clkPin, misoPin, mosiPin, csPin):
if (channel < 0) or (channel > 7):
print("Invalid ADC Channel number, must be between [0,7]")
return -1

GPIO.output(csPin, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(csPin, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(clkPin, GPIO.HIGH)
read_command = 0x18
read_command |= channel

sendBits(read_command, 5, clkPin, mosiPin)

adcValue = recvBits(12, clkPin, misoPin)
GPIO.output(csPin, GPIO.HIGH)
return adcValue

#Send the bits
def sendBits(data, numBits, clkPin, mosiPin):
data <<= (8 - numBits)

for bit in range(numBits):
if data & 0x80:
GPIO.output(mosiPin, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(mosiPin, GPIO.LOW)
data <<= 1

GPIO.output(clkPin, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(clkPin, GPIO.LOW)

#Receive the data bits
def recvBits(numBits, clkPin, misoPin):
retVal = 0

for bit in range(numBits):
GPIO.output(clkPin, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(clkPin, GPIO.LOW)
if GPIO.input(misoPin):
retVal |= 0x1

retVal <<= 1

return (retVal/2)

#Callback function for water level sensor
def trigWater(channel):
global waterVar
if(waterVar == "Water"):
waterVar = "No Water"
waterVar = "Water"

#Callback function for fire sensor
def trigFire(channel):
global fireVar
if(fireVar == "Fire"):
fireVar = "No Fire"
fireVar = "Fire"

#Callback function for radiation sensor
def trigRadiation(channel):
global radiationVar, fireVar, waterVar
radiationVar = "Radiation"
if(fireVar == "Fire"):
fireVar = "No Fire"
fireVar = "Fire"
if(waterVar == "Water"):
waterVar = "No Water"
waterVar = "Water"

i2c_bus = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) #Setup the I2C bus
sensor = adafruit_amg88xx.AMG88XX(i2c_bus) #Setup the IR sensor using I2C

points = [(floor(ix / 8), (ix % 8)) for ix in range(0, 64)] #Points for the IR sensor
grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[0:7:32j, 0:7:32j] #Create the grid

blue = Color("indigo") #The colour blue
colors = list(blue.range_to(Color("red"), COLORDEPTH)) #The colours list
colors = [(int( * 255), int( * 255), int( * 255)) for c in colors]

time.sleep(0.1) #Do not remove. Lets sensor initialize

GPIO.add_event_detect(GPIO_WATERLEVEL, GPIO.BOTH, callback = trigWater, bouncetime = 300) #The event detection for water level sensor
GPIO.add_event_detect(GPIO_FLAME, GPIO.BOTH, callback = trigFire, bouncetime = 300) #The event detection for fire sensor
GPIO.add_event_detect(GPIO_ANTENNA, GPIO.BOTH, callback = trigRadiation, bouncetime = 300) #The event detection for radiation detection sensor

timeStamp = time.time() #The start time flag

if __name__ == '__main__':
setupSpiPins(CLK, MISO, MOSI, CS) #Call the SPI setup function
HOST = '' #The server IP address (RaspberryPi in this case)
PORT = 8000 #The port for the socket
print(socket.gethostname()) #Print the hostname
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #Start the socket
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) #Configure the socket
s.bind((HOST, PORT)) #Bind the socket
s.listen(5) #Listen for clients
conn, addr = s.accept() #Accept the connection
print(addr) #Print the address of the connected clients

connected = False #The connected flag

while True: #While infinity
connected = False #Default the connected flag to false
pixels = [] #The pixels array
for row in sensor.pixels:
pixels = pixels + row
pixels = [map_value(p, MINTEMP, MAXTEMP, 0, COLORDEPTH - 1) for p in pixels]

bicubic = griddata(points, pixels, (grid_x, grid_y), method="cubic")

data = "" #The data to be transmitted
for pixel in pixels: #Append the pixels to the data to be transmitted with a ',' delimiter
data = data + str(pixel) + ","
data = data + ";" #Append the ';' delimiter
for bi in bicubic: #Append the bicubic to the data to be transmitted with a ',' delimiter
for b in bi:
data = data + str(b) + ","
data = data + ";" #Append the ';' delimiter
for color in colors: #Append the color to the data to be transmitted with a ':' delimiter
data = data + str(color) + ":"
data = data + ";" #Append the ';' delimiter
data = data + waterVar + "," + fireVar + "," + radiationVar + "," + str(tempVar) + "," + str(distVar) + ";" #Append the sensor data to the data to be transmitted with a ',' delimiter
conn.send((data + "\n").encode()) #Encode the data and transmit over TCP/IP connection
connected = True #If no error is thrown, mark the connected flag as true
except: #If an error is thrown
#Try reconnecting
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.bind((HOST, PORT))
conn, addr = s.accept()
connected = True #Mark the connected flag as true
if connected: #If connected
command = conn.recv(1024) #Receive the data from clients
command = command.decode().strip() #If the data is received, decode the command, then strip all the whitespaces
except: #If the data reception fails
connected = False #Mark the connected flag as false
if(command != prevCommand): #If the command has changed
print(command) #Print the new command

if(command == "STOP" and prevCommand != "STOP"): #If the new command is STOP
GPIO.output(motor1Pin1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor1Pin2, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin2, GPIO.LOW)
elif(command == "UP" and prevCommand != "UP"): #If the new command is UP
if distVar > distToStop: #If the distance is greater than the threshold value
GPIO.output(motor1Pin1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor1Pin2, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin1, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin2, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor1Pin1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor1Pin2, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin2, GPIO.LOW)
elif(command == "DOWN" and prevCommand != "DOWN"): #If the new command is DOWN
GPIO.output(motor1Pin1, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(motor1Pin2, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin2, GPIO.HIGH)
elif(command == "LEFT" and prevCommand != "LEFT"): #If the new command is LEFT
GPIO.output(motor1Pin1, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(motor1Pin2, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin1, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin2, GPIO.LOW)
elif(command == "RIGHT" and prevCommand != "RIGHT"): #If the new command is RIGHT
GPIO.output(motor1Pin1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor1Pin2, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin2, GPIO.HIGH)
elif(command == "HELP" and prevCommand != "HELP"): #If the new command is HELP
GPIO.output(motor1Pin1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor1Pin2, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin2, GPIO.LOW)"help.wav") #Load the audio file #Play the audio file
elif(command == "RECORD" and prevCommand != "RECORD"): #If the new command is RECORD
GPIO.output(motor1Pin1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor1Pin2, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin2, GPIO.LOW)"record.wav") #Load the audio file #Play the audio file
while( == True): #While the audio files is being played
pass #Pass
os.system('arecord --device=hw:2,0 -d 5 --format S16_LE --rate 44100 -c1 victimRecord.wav -V mono') #System command to record from microphone
elif(command == "PLAY" and prevCommand != "PLAY"): #If the new command is PLAY
GPIO.output(motor1Pin1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor1Pin2, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(motor2Pin2, GPIO.LOW)"victimRecord.wav") #Load the audio file #Play the audio file
elif(command == "MAP" and prevCommand != "MAP"): #If the new command is MAP
startMap() #Start mapping
elif(command == "INC"): #If the new command is INC
if dutyCycle < 100: #If duty cycle is less than 100
dutyCycle += 1 #Increment duty cycle
#Change duty cycle
elif(command == "DEC"): #If the new command is DEC
if dutyCycle > 40: #If duty cycle is greater than 40
dutyCycle -= 1 #Decrement duty cycle
#Change duty cycle

prevCommand = command #Change previous command

if(time.time() - timeStamp > 0.01): #If the time elapsed is 1 millisecond
adc = readAdc(0, CLK, MISO, MOSI, CS) #Read ADC
tempVar = 10 * log(10000 * (1024 / (adc / 3.3) - 1), 10) - 10 #Scale the temperature
tempVar = round(tempVar, 3) #Round the temperature to 3 digits
except: #If it throws an error
distVar = round(distance(), 3) #Fetch the distance and round it to 3 digits
if(distVar < distToStop): #If the distance is less tha threshold distance
print("Dist Stopping..") #Print "Dist Stopping.."
timeStamp = time.time() #Update the timestamp
except KeyboardInterrupt: #If interrupted from keyboard
motor1PWM.stop() #Stop the motor 1 PWM
motor2PWM.stop() #Stop the motor 2 PWM
GPIO.cleanup() #Cleanup GPIO
print("Exiting...") #Print "Exiting..."
sys.exit(0) #Exit the program
制造商零件编号 3538
Adafruit Industries LLC
制造商零件编号 SC0195(9)
Raspberry Pi
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