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An Outdoor Air Quality Station with Enviro+ and Luftdaten

2024-01-18 | By Pimoroni

License: See Original Project

Courtesy of Pimoroni

Guide by Pimoroni

Let's contribute to citizen science! We're going to build an air quality ‎monitoring station that can be mounted outside your house (or office, or ‎wherever) that sends data to Luftdaten, an open data project that maps air ‎quality using low-cost air quality monitoring devices.‎

We built Enviro+ specifically for this purpose (as well as lots of other uses) as, ‎traditionally, air quality monitoring devices have been out of reach for most ‎people, costing tens of thousands of pounds. This project costs less than a ‎hundred pounds and can be built and deployed in just a couple of hours.‎

This tutorial will guide you through attaching Enviro+ and the particulate ‎matter sensor to your Raspberry Pi Zero W, installing the necessary software, ‎signing up to Luftdaten, and then fitting your Enviro+ in a weatherproof ‎housing that can be attached to the outside of your building.‎

Note: Make sure that you have permission to attach your Enviro+ air quality ‎monitor to wherever you're attaching it!‎

What you'll need

Here's a list of what you'll need for this project:‎

It should take a couple of hours to put everything together.‎

Attaching Enviro+ to your Raspberry Pi Zero W

Although Enviro+ works with any 40-pin version of the Raspberry Pi, for this ‎one you'll need to use a Raspberry Pi Zero W, due to its small size and built-in ‎wireless networking. We'd recommend the Pi Zero WH, as it comes with a ‎pre-soldered header.‎

First, let's attach the metal standoffs to your Enviro+. Hold the standoffs ‎underneath the mounting holes at the four corners of Enviro+ and use four of ‎the metal M2.5 screws to secure them. If you're using just two standoffs, ‎then attach them to the two mounting holes on the front edge of Enviro+ (the ‎long edge furthest from the header).‎


Push the Enviro+ female header down onto the male header of the Pi Zero W, ‎making sure that all the pins are lined up correctly, and secure with the ‎remaining M2.5 metal screws.‎


Attaching the PMS5003 particulate matter sensor

Note: Do this part BEFORE powering on your Pi, as hot plugging the sensor ‎will cause you Pi to reboot!‎

Plug one end of the cable (supplied with the PMS5003) into the connector on ‎the PMS5003 particulate matter sensor.‎

Note: It'll only fit easily one way round, so if you're having to force it then ‎stop what you're doing and try it the other way round!‎

Plug the other end of the cable into the connector on the underside of Enviro+ ‎‎(below the PM label on the top side), again making sure that the cable is ‎going in the right way round!‎

You can peel the blue plastic protective film off the particulate sensor if you ‎wish but leaving it on won't cause any problems.‎


Setting up your micro-SD card

You can find really good instructions on how to set up your micro-SD card ‎with the Raspbian operating system in this guide from Raspberry Pi. If you're ‎a beginner, it's best to use the full "Raspbian Buster with desktop and ‎recommended software", as it's a little easier to set up and use, but you can ‎also use Raspbian Lite, if you want. This tutorial will only cover how to set ‎things up with full Raspbian Buster with desktop and recommended software.‎

Booting up and connecting to Wi-Fi

Before we put everything into its weatherproof housing, we'll need to boot the ‎Pi up, connect it to Wi-Fi, set all of the software up, and test to make sure it's ‎working properly.‎

Note: This is a good opportunity to test your USB cable and power supply to ‎make sure that they can supply enough power to run your Pi Zero W, etc., so ‎use the same cable and power supply here as you'll be using for the final ‎build.‎

You'll need a display, keyboard, and mouse connected for this part, as it'll ‎involve some typing and such. If you don't want to fiddle around with USB ‎hubs (which you'll need to connect the keyboard and mouse to the Pi Zero W ‎at the same time) and such, then you can do this next setup part on a ‎Raspberry Pi 3 B+, if you have one, and then switch the micro-SD into the Pi ‎Zero W once it's done.‎

Pop the micro-SD card into your Pi and boot it up now. Because it's the first ‎time you're booting the Raspbian OS, it'll guide you through connecting to ‎your Wi-Fi network. Connecting to Wi-Fi is essential for the rest of this tutorial.‎

Installing the Enviro+ software

Now that we've booted up our Pi and connected to Wi-Fi we can install and ‎set up the Enviro+ software!‎

Open a terminal (press control-alt-t or find it in the Raspberry Pi menu) and then ‎type the following:‎git clone

Copy Code
git clone
cd enviroplus-python
sudo ./

There's just one other requirement that's needed by the Luftdaten script we'll ‎be running that's not installed either by default in "Raspbian Stretch with ‎desktop and recommended software" or by our installer.‎

Type the following in the terminal:‎

Copy Code
sudo pip install smbus2

Once that's all done, type sudo reboot to reboot your Pi and apply the changes ‎to the Pi's interfaces.‎

The install script enables I2C, SPI, and serial, disables the serial console, and ‎enables the miniuart interface that the Pi uses to talk to the PMS5003 ‎particulate sensor.‎

If you ever need to revert these changes to the UART and serial configuration, ‎then you can run the uninstall script by typing sudo ./ within ‎the enviroplus-python folder in the terminal, and then sudo reboot to reboot and ‎apply the changes.‎

Testing the Luftdaten script

Our Luftdaten script reads the temperature, pressure, humidity, PM2.5, and ‎PM10 (both measures of the concentration of particulates in the air, 2.5 ‎microns and less and 10 microns and less in ug/l of air) and sends those data ‎to the Luftdaten server.‎

For Luftdaten to receive data from your Enviro+, you'll have to register with ‎them and add the serial number and details of your device (we'll do that in ‎the next section), but the script will still run without that being set up.‎

Let's run the script now. Type the following in the terminal:‎

Copy Code
cd enviroplus-python/examples

The script will print the readings from the sensors to the terminal. It'll also ‎display the serial number of the Pi that you'll have to enter on the Luftdaten ‎site on the LCD on Enviro+. Take a note of the serial number now.‎

If possible, it's good to leave the script running until we've registered with ‎Luftdaten and set up our device, as we should be able to see the data ‎starting to come through once it's set up. If not, you can press control-c to stop ‎it and then start it again after we've registered with Luftdaten.‎

Registering with Luftdaten and setting up your device

On a separate computer, head to:

Type your email address that you want associated with the account and a ‎password and then click "Register". Complete the registration process by ‎following the URL sent by email.‎


Click on the "My sensors" page and then "Register new sensor".‎


In the box that says "Sensor ID", type in the serial number that you made a ‎note of earlier from the Enviro+ LCD, making sure that you type it carefully ‎and correctly.‎

Under "Sensor Board", select "raspi".‎

Give your sensor a name in the box that says, "Personal sensor name", ‎something like "Eric's Enviro+", and then fill in your address details. If you ‎don't want to reveal your exact location, then you can leave the "Publish ‎exact location" box empty.


In "Additional information", fill in the details of where your sensor is located.‎

Under "Hardware configuration", select "PMS5003" from the first dropdown, ‎and "BME280" from the second dropdown. Do not change the numbers in the ‎PIN boxes! They should be "1" for the PMS5003 and "11" for the BME280.‎

Click the "Lookup entered address" button and then pinpoint your location on ‎the map or enter your latitude and longitude manually.‎


Scroll to the very bottom and click "Save settings" to save the entered sensor ‎settings. On the "My sensors" page, you should now see your sensor listed.‎

If you still have your sensor running, then you should see that the responses ‎are now successful, as the Luftdaten server knows now to accept your data. ‎If you don't still have it running, then run the example again now, following ‎the instructions above in "Testing the Luftdaten script".‎

After a few minutes, you should see the "Last Update" time and date change ‎to indicate that data has been received. If you click on "Data", then you'll see ‎the most recent data, and if you click on the links "show on map", then you'll ‎see your data on the map.‎

This means that your Enviro+ is working and sending data successfully to ‎Luftdaten!‎

If you click on the tab at the bottom left corner, then you can change the ‎variable being displayed. You can also download your data as a CSV ‎from:‎

If no data is being sent (i.e., it says "Response: failed" in the terminal), or if ‎your data is not appearing on the "My sensors" page after more than 10 or 15 ‎minutes, then double-check that you entered the serial number correctly from ‎the LCD and that no other errors are appearing in the terminal.‎

Running the script automatically

We want the script to run automatically when your Pi boots up, so ‎that we can put it into the housing, plug it into the power, and then have it ‎just work.‎

An easy way of running a script automatically on boot is to use crontab, a job ‎scheduler, which has an @reboot command that will run a script or command ‎when the Pi first boots up.‎

In the terminal, type crontab -e and then select nano as the editor.

‎Scroll down to the very bottom of the file with the arrow keys and type the ‎following line:

Copy Code
@reboot sudo python /home/pi/enviroplus-python/examples/ &

Double- and triple-check this command to make sure that it's exactly correct, ‎as any error will cause it not to run on boot.‎

Press control-x, then y, then enter to exit and save the new crontab.‎

You should now shutdown your Raspberry Pi Zero W, either through the ‎Raspberry Pi menu, or by typing sudo shutdown -h now in the terminal.‎

Now, let's go ahead and build it into the weatherproof housing!‎

Mounting your Enviro+ in the weatherproof housing

For this part of the tutorial, you'll need a few things:‎

  • ‎2x pieces of square 112-degree gutter downpipe offset bend (65mm ‎dia)
  • ‎3M Command Strips (we got the medium-sized ones)
  • Some duct tape
  • Long cable ties


You should be able to get all of these bits at your local DIY/hardware store. ‎We got our bits from B&Q in the UK, but you should also be able to find them ‎all at Amazon, they’ll cost around £10 or less in total.‎

Let's start to build it!‎

First, we'll attach the Command Strips to the bottom of the particulate sensor. ‎They're great because they let you remove your Pi and particulate sensor ‎from inside the housing if you need to, but otherwise hold it really securely.‎

Peel the backing off from one Command Strip and stick it onto one side of ‎the particulate sensor. Take another Command Strip, line it up with the one ‎you stuck on the sensor and then push them firmly together.‎



Take one of the narrower (male) ends of the downpipe bend, peel the ‎backing paper off the exposed Command Strip and stick it just inside the top ‎of the pipe, so that the cable sticks outward and the fan side of the sensor ‎faces down inside the pipe.‎


Now, take the Pi Zero W and stick another two Command Strips onto the ‎underside, in a similar fashion to the sensor. In our testing, we haven't had ‎any issues with the Command Strip or its adhesive shorting any of the test ‎pads on the underside of the Pi Zero W, but if you're concerned about it then ‎you can stick some electrical tape onto the underside first.‎

Plug in the particulate sensor cable if it isn't already still plugged in.‎


This next part if slightly tricky and might involve some trial and error to get ‎things positioned just right. The basic idea is to mount the Pi Zero W at an ‎almost 45-degree angle so that the USB power cable can fit.‎

Thread the USB cable up through the second piece of downpipe bend and ‎plug it into your Pi Zero W before doing this part, so that you can tell whether ‎it's fitting.‎

Stick the Pi Zero W just below where you mounted the particulate sensor at ‎an angle, so that the USB cable connector will fit once the other piece of ‎downpipe bend is pushed on.‎


Test the fit of the other piece of downpipe now, making sure that it's pushed ‎all the way in, and don't force it if the USB power cable is preventing it going ‎together. Instead, take it apart again and reposition things to make them fit ‎correctly.‎


Before we tape the two pieces of downpipe together, it's a good point at ‎which to test that the script is running on boot correctly and still sending data ‎to Luftdaten. Plug the USB power in, leave it for 5 or so minutes, and then ‎check the "My sensors" page at Luftdaten to ensure that data is being sent.‎

Finally, use some duct tape to carefully seal along the join between the two ‎pieces of downpipe bend to ensure that no water gets in. An alternative is to ‎seal the join with some silicone sealant and then use duct tape on top to hold ‎everything secure, if you want it to be especially watertight.‎


Mounting your housing outside

We mounted our housing to a downpipe from the guttering using some long, ‎heavy duty cable ties, as in the photo below, but we'd encourage you to get ‎creative with where and how you mount your housing.‎

Again, make sure that you have the appropriate permission to mount your ‎Enviro+ housing wherever you're mounting it, and take the necessary ‎precautions if you're using a ladder and/or working at height.


Power alternatives

We used a long USB (A to micro-B) cable and USB power brick, but you could ‎also use some good-quality heavy-gauge wire or Cat5e cable, a 5V supply, ‎and solder straight to the 5V and ground pins on the Enviro+ (on the GPIO ‎breakout pins.)‎

Another option, which limits the potential for voltage drop across your cable, ‎would be to use one of our Wide Input SHIMs and a 12V power supply with a ‎long barrel jack cable, similar to those used for CCTV systems. The ‎advantage of Wide Input SHIM is that it will provide a regulated 5V at 2A, ‎plenty to power your Enviro+.‎

Upgrade ideas

A couple of pieces of fairly course plastic meshing cable-tied around the ends ‎of the housing can help to prevent insects or birds from taking up residence ‎in your housing. Make sure that it isn't too fine though, or it will prevent air ‎‎(and particulate) flow to the sensor.‎

You could adapt your code and add an LED that sticks through a hole in the ‎housing to show whether the script is successfully sending data to Luftdaten, ‎again using the GPIO breakout pins on Enviro+ (the pin marked #4 AKA pin ‎BCM 4 is ideal.)

Make sure that you share your Enviro+ hacks and modifications with us ‎on Twitter or Facebook!‎

That's all folks!

制造商零件编号 PIM458
Pimoroni Ltd
制造商零件编号 PIM477
Pimoroni Ltd
制造商零件编号 SC0020
Raspberry Pi
制造商零件编号 SC0252L
Raspberry Pi
制造商零件编号 PIM271
Pimoroni Ltd
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