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10 Projects a Beginner Can Do with a BBC micro:bit

2020-06-11 | By Kitronik Maker

License: See Original Project

Courtesy of Kitronik

If you're a beginner to the BBC micro:bit, then you may be wondering what you could possibly do with it. That's why we are here to tell you 10 things that a beginner can do with just a micro:bit and a couple of accessories.


Today's blog features our BBC micro:bit Starter Kit. A kit that is perfect for those who are just entering the wonderful world of coding and want a kit that has everything they need to get started with their coding adventures straight away! If you are unsure what the BBC micro:bit is, then let's give you a quick rundown of what it is and what it can do! The BBC micro:bit...

  • Is a handheld, fully programmable, computer
  • Has been designed to encourage children to get actively involved in writing software
  • Can be coded very easily using Microsoft MakeCode or other software
  • Can be used to code games, animations, and so much more

10 Things a BeginnerCan Do with Just a BBC micro:bit

Now that has been covered and you're excited about where the BBC micro:bit can take you, let's get stuck into some simple projects that you could do as a beginner. All of these projects are on the Microsoft MakeCode website and vary in levels of difficulty. Each project has all of the information needed on how to complete it, so make sure you click on the links to start the project. Let's code!

1 - We Just *Heart* the BBC micro:bit


We just know that you're going to fall in love with using the BBC micro:bit, so that is why our first project is of course, an animated flashing heart! Complete your first project in seconds, it's that simple!

As this basic project is for beginners, MakeCode provides a tutorial that you can follow from start to finish. It's a great way to get started with coding and build up your coding confidence!

Get Started!


2 - What's Your Name, Please?


Tell everyone who you are! The 'Name Tag' project is a super simple way to show off your brand-new BBC micro:bit. All you need to do is code your name scrolling on the LEDs, it's that easy!

Once you've done, why not create a name badge so that you can wear it around the house? We created something similar with Kitronik ZIP Tile using Glitter Acrylic and ribbon.

Start Coding!


3 - What Mood Are You in Today?


Not a morning person? This project might just be the perfect way to let people know! The 'Smiley Buttons' project is where you code the micro:bit to display either a happy or sad emoji when either Button A or B are pressed. So, if you aren't very happy in the morning, you know which button to press!

It is the first project that allows you to incorporate the buttons, so it is a great starting point for those who aren't experienced to progress to more difficult coding.

Let's Code!


4 - No Dice, No Problem!


Playing a board game and have lost another dice? Where do they go....? Save the hassle of a tiny dice and use the BBC micro:bit instead! It's super simple to code and will help you get around the board a lot quicker!

The 'Dice' tutorial on MakeCode introduces you to the 'math' section, where you will gradually be able to incorporate numbers and calculations into more difficult projects.

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5 - Rock, Paper, Scissors!


It's a classic! Rock, Paper, Scissors is a very popular game, so it would only be right to include this project into our 10 Beginner Projects! Challenge your family members and see who wins!

We have only used one micro:bit for this game, but you can easily use multiple micro:bits if you wanted to! All you would need to do is download the completed code onto each micro:bit and game on!

Get Started!


6 - Heads or Tails? Let's See...


Using a real coin to do a coin toss is so last year! Use a BBC micro:bit to do it instead, it's a lot more fun and it won't disappear from your back pocket. It's a win-win! 'Coin Flipper' uses symbols to create a life-like suspension before the 'coin' reveals whether it is heads or tails.

Plus, you can choose what symbols you want to represent heads and tails, so it doesn't have to be displayed like ours if you don't want it to!

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7 - Let's Talk in Code!


Have you got another family member who has a micro:bit? Why not try out the 'Micro Chat' project. It's the coolest way to talk to somebody without actually having to talk to anybody!

This is the first project of the 10 Beginner Projects to incorporate the radio functionality of the micro:bit. It may sound daunting at first, but it is very simple to use, and the guided tutorial will teach you how to use it. Once you've completed your first message, why not try sending more messages to each other and create a conversation!

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8 - Let's Count Your Steps!


It's important to ensure that you get your recommended steps in per day and if you haven't got a fancy watch to help you out, it's impossible to keep track yourself! The 'Step Counter' project solves that problem.

Following simple instructions, you can code your very own step counter! Plus, if you want to get creative, the step counter works best when you attach it to your ankle. So, why not create a material strap that you can simply attach and walk!

Let's Start!


9 - Let's Discover Light!


Spring is here and it's getting much lighter in both the mornings and the evenings, which makes this 'Light Level Meter' even more interesting to try out! How does it work?

Using the instructions and visual aids, you will code the LEDs to plot a bar graph based on the level of light that the micro:bit is being exposed to. Once it's coded, test out different areas of the house and see where the most light is!

Learn More!


10 - Not So Hot Potato


We love gaming and what better way to do it than with a family member using micro:bits! This 'Tele-potato' project goes into a bit more detail with the radio functionality of the micro:bit to allow the gamers to pass the potato onto other players before the timer runs out!

Plus, you can use different symbols to us if you wish to make the game more personal to you! You can also extend or shorten the length of the game, add more players and more!

Let's Code!

We hope you found at least a few different projects that you want to try out! Aside from this list, there are hundreds of other projects that you can fully get involved with too, which can also be found on the MakeCode website. You can also create your own projects using block code, or when you become more advanced, then you can use JavaScript too! If you wanted to take your micro:bit to the next level, we also stock a wide range of micro:bit accessories that you can check out here. From Robotics to LED exploration, there's something for every kind of project.

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