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最低订购金额为人民币 300 元,顺丰快递免运费配送。
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下单后,从合作伙伴发货平均需要时间 1-3 天,也可能产生额外运费。可能另外收取运费。 实际发货时间请留意产品详情页、购物车和结账页面上的说明。
国际贸易结算方式:CPT(交货时支付关税、海关费用和适用 VAT/应付税金)
FLORA is Adafruit's fully-featured wearable electronics platform. It's a round, sewable, Arduino-compatible microcontroller designed to empower amazing wearables projects. FLORA is fabric friendly, all the components on board are flush to the PCB and won't snag delicate garments and is extremely beginner-friendly - it is difficult to destroy the FLORA by connecting a battery backwards due to polarized connector and protection diodes. The on-board regulator means that even connecting a 9V battery will not result in damage.
Getting Started
Other Resources
You don’t realize how much you know about electronics until you try and teach an absolute beginner.
Adafruit’s Flora is a fully featured wearable electronics platform designed to enhance clothing or other textiles. The board itself is fairly simple but extremely capable, with an ATmega32u4 providing ample processing power and native USB, a 3.3 V regulator, power switch, and a NeoPixel RGB LED.
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