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DigiKey Has a Blast at Silicon with Adam Savage 2022

2022-09-01 | By Kevin Walseth

3D Printing

Team DigiKey with the one and only Adam Savage

Whether you are interested in cosplay, technology, gaming, or art – Silicon with Adam Savage 2022 was the place to be. It was my first experience at Silicon as well as DigiKey’s first time in the Savage MakerVerse within this event. I came out of the event with many great ideas and plans for the future. What really amazed me about Silicon was the people! The cosplay community is willing to talk about their creations and future ideas. We saw everything from a life-size Wall-E to Predator! The amount of time, energy, and love put into some of these designs was nothing short of amazing.

DigiKey Has a Blast at Silicon with Adam Savage 2022 Wall-E

We based our DigiKey booth around the popular superhero theme. Each of the DigiKey team members was wearing a 3D printed Arc Reactor cut into our shirts to look as real as possible. This Arc Reactor was filled with multiple bright and colorful LEDs that consistently changed during the day. It was also Bluetooth enabled so we could adjust the pattern/color on the fly. (Project coming very soon on Maker.io).

DigiKey Has a Blast at Silicon with Adam Savage 2022 The Arc Reactor in the wild!

We also had a tremendous response to our booth, and people really enjoyed the demos we brought. We had a lot of great giveaways, demos, and prizes coming out of the Prize Garage. People were eager to explore our Innovation Hub where they were able to immerse themselves in the interactive world of an engineer.

DigiKey Has a Blast at Silicon with Adam Savage 2022 Innovation Hub Odd Jayy and Or-Bit

This Arc Reactor received so much attention before the show that we decided to put on a workshop so people could create their own arc reactor. The final rendition of the workshop ended up featuring myself, Odd-Jayy, Lulzbot, and Adafruit. It was like the version we were wearing, just a little more easily mass-produced. In this workshop, Odd-Jayy and I walked people through coding the Adafruit Circuit Playground with Microsoft Makecode and assembling the Arc Reactor. It was so much fun watching the faces of kids being able to code and walk away with a project they created! That is what making is all about. (This project is also coming soon on Maker.io)

DigiKey Has a Blast at Silicon with Adam Savage 2022

The show floor was filled with support from professionals and celebrities from the maker community. Just to name a few DigiKey customers that stopped by the DigiKey booth were:

Adam SavageMythbusters and Tested TV show personality

Christopher Lloyd – Doc Brown from Back to the Future

Kari Byron – Mythbusters

James Hobson – The Hacksmith

Simone GiertzQueen of $hitty Robots

The most amazing thing about these people was how down-to-earth they are, and they loved talking about their love for DigiKey and their projects. I personally cannot wait for next year’s Silicon and how we can continue to be a part of the amazing community.

Thank you to all that were a part of this show!

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制造商零件编号 KT-PR0058-BS1MLRP
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