image of Input Control for Everyday Projects: Rotary Encoders and Potentiometers Input Control for Everyday Projects: Rotary Encoders and Potentiometers

Input control is essential in electronics projects. A comparison of rotary encoders and potentiometers to help make informed decisions to enhance your project.

Examples using Always Block - Part 13 of our Verilog Series Examples using Always Block - Part 13 of our Verilog Series

From multiplexers to priority encoders, these hands-on examples showcase the precision and flexibility of Verilog in modeling complex digital logic.

Bare Conductive Pi Cap Bare Conductive Pi Cap

If you are already a big fan of the Bare Conductive Touch Board then you will love the Pi Cap. The Pi Cap was specifically designed for the Raspberry Pi Zero, which is a small micro version of the Raspberry Pi.

XRP (Xperiential Robotics Platform) XRP Xperiential Robotics Platform

XRP: The future of robotics education. Dive into a hands-on learning experience, from coding to building autonomous robots. Begin your robotics journey today!

Building a Voice-Controlled Robot - Diving into the Circuits Building a Voice-Controlled Robot - Diving into the Circuits

Dive into the circuits behind the S1XT33N voice-controlled robot, exploring motor control, microphone biasing, and more.

Picking a Power Supply What to do with a PSU? Picking a Power Supply: What to do with a PSU?

Learn more about benchtop power supplies and explore recommendations. Get valuable insights from a DigiKey ambassador. Start your making journey now!

BeagleBone™ Black Wireless - BeagleBoard’s Latest Development Board BeagleBone™ Black Wireless - BeagleBoard’s Latest Development Board

Based on the extremely successful open-source BeagleBone™ Black hardware design, BeagleBone™ Black Wireless is a high-expansion, maker-focused, community-supported open hardware computer created by the Foundation.

Image of SLAM from an Algorithmic Point of View (Part 2) 从算法角度看 SLAM(第 2 部分)

讨论 SLAM 算法中用于为机器人导航创建未知区域地图的三种主要技术。