Condition Monitoring for EV-Charger

Sensirion sensors help safeguard their systems against water ingress and condensation, thereby enhancing performance and longevity.

Chemical Dosing and Dispensing

Chemical dispensing applications such as car wash systems or soap dispensing are processes requiring precise dosing of chemicals to ensure the best process performance.

湿度传感器的类型与设计技巧 湿度传感器的类型与设计技巧 发布日期:2024-03-18

湿度是指空气中水蒸气的含量,通常以相对湿度的百分比表示,湿度的高低对于人类生活与电子产品的运作都会造成影响,因此用于传感空气中湿度变化的湿度传感器,来进行湿度控制与监测。 不同类型的湿度传感器有不同的运作特性,以下将介绍一些常见的湿度传感器类型与运作原理。

Image of Sensirion's Environmental Sensor Node SEN6x 环境传感器节点 SEN6x – 即将推出 发布日期:2024-02-05

Sensirion 的 SEN6x 环境传感器节点以独特的外形组合了多个传感器。

Environmental Sensor Node SEN6x

Experience the future of air quality sensing with Sensirion's compact and powerful SEN6x sensing platform.

This week's EYE ON NPI is a timely one - the Sensirion SCD4X (SCD40 and SCD41) a fantastic upgrade to the Sensirion SCD30.

This week's EYE ON NPI is going with the flow and keepin' everything chill and low pressure with Sensirion's SFM3119 Low-Pressure Drop Flow Meter! This sensor is designed primarily for medical use cases - ventilators, CPAPs, and oxygen masks.

This week's EYE ON NPI is another banger from Sensirion - it's the SEN54 Environmental Sensor Node an all-in-one sensor node that combines all of the Sensirion top hits in one. This sensor looks like your everyday dust sensor.

Image of DigiKey at Sensors Converge 2023 DigiKey 参加 Sensors Converge 2023 展会

在 Sensors Converge 2023 展会上,最受关注的一大趋势是传感器、无线、边缘计算/人工智能处理技术的相互融合。

The Sensirion SHT45 is a high Accuracy, ultra-low-power 16-bit relative humidity and temperature sensor.

Certified Smart Tracking - Lower Your Total Cost of Ownership by Using ISO 17025 Certified Sensors

Join Sensirion’s Matthias Scharfe and Gary McNelly as they present about certified smart tracking to ensure accurate measurements and data analysis.

Image of Webinar - Certified Smart Tracking with ISO 17025 Certified Sensors 网络研讨会 - 用 ISO 17025 认证传感器进行符合认证要求的智能化跟踪 | DigiKey

了解如何通过遵循 ISO 17025 标准确保更有效的监测以及获得与之而来的好处。

Sensirion SLF3S-4000B 是 Sensirion 的紧凑型液体流量传感器,专为高容量应用而设计。它能够精确可靠地双向测量高达每分钟 1000 ml 的动态液体流速。SLF3S-4000B 传感器具有采用 6 针标准电气连接器的数字接口。它基于最新一代 CMOSens® 传感器芯片,该芯片是 Sensirion 流量传感平台的核心。它将传感器元件、信号处理和数字校准结合在一个小型 CMOS 芯片上。

Image of Sensirion SFC6000D/SFM6000D Mass Flow Controllers and Meters SFC6000D/SFM6000D 质量流量控制器和仪表 发布日期:2023-02-22

Sensirion CMOSens® 技术包括 SFx6000D 质量流量控制器和流量计,将高精度传感器与单芯片上的信号处理相结合。

The SFC6000 is Sensirion’s next generation mass flow controller, impressing with an unbeatable price performance ratio. This is a decisive advantage, especially for portable devices. Furthermore, it offers great performance in terms of repeatability.

Image of Sensirion's STS32/STS33/SHT33 Series Low-Drift Digital Humidity and Temperature Sensors SHT43 系列湿度和温度传感器 发布日期:2023-01-30

Sensirion 的 SHT43 系列依靠成熟的 CMOSens® 技术来提高计算能力、可靠性和精度规格。

The Sensirion SLF3S-4000B is Sensirion’s compact liquid flow sensor designed for high-volume applications. It enables precise and reliable measurements of dynamic liquid flow rates up to 1000 milliliters per minute bi-directionally.

Image Sensirion's SHT40 Humidity and Temperature Sensors SHT4x 系列湿度和温度传感器 更新日期: 2022-12-28

Sensirion 的 SHT40 以优化的 CMOSens® 芯片为基础,可降低功耗并提高精度规格。

Sensirion 2022 Electronica Interview

At electronica 2022, on the DigiKey booth, Paige West speaks with Marco Gysel, Clean Indoor Air Business Development Manager, Sensirion about indoor air quality and Sensirion’s air quality sensor products.

Image of Sensirion SFM4200 Digital Air and Oxygen Flow Meter SFM4200 数字空气和氧气流量计 发布日期:2022-11-15

Sensirion 的 SFM4200 传感器大流量数字流量计旨在用于最高 160 slm 的流量,采用 5 V 电源电压,可在最高 8 bar 压力下工作。