New Product Discoveries - Molex Grounding Jumpers and NTC Temp Sensor Assembly

This installment of New Product Discoveries covers two innovative products from Molex. First, let’s cover the NTC ring terminal sensor cable assemblies. These assemblies feature a potted NTC, secured in a ring terminal, and connected to a length of wire with a micro-lock plus connector on the opposite end.

(Image source: Molex)

The ring terminal acts as a heat-sink while allowing a firm connection to the mounting surface. This unique design allows for accurate temperature readings in hard-to-reach areas in a range of beta resistance values. Other features include a choice of M2, M3.5, or M4 size ring connectors, continuous operation from -40°C to +105°C, a variety of length options, and the ability to be easily customized.

Next up, grounding jumper solutions that are geared towards industrial, data center, commercial vehicle, and substation and utility applications. These heavy-duty grounding jumpers provide a 93% solid termination throughout compression either as-is or with heatshrink.

(Image source: Molex)

The jumpers come in a variety of widths and lengths to accommodate multiple applications, plus they can be custom ordered to fit exact needs. These are UL certified and ready for use in high-power applications.

Keep an eye out for our next installment of New Product Discoveries!


Image of Ashley Awalt

Ashley Awalt 是一名应用工程技术人员,自 2011 年以来一直在 DigiKey 工作。她通过 DigiKey 奖学金计划获得了北国社区技术学院电子技术和自动化系的应用科学副学士学位。其目前的职责是协助创建独特的技术项目,记录流程并最终参与项目视频媒体报道的制作。在业余时间,Ashley 喜欢——哦哦,等等,当要照顾孩子的时候,还有空闲时间吗?

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