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Simple Raspberry Pi Robot

2024-11-05 | By Adafruit Industries

License: See Original Project Robot Kits Raspberry Pi

Courtesy of Adafruit

Guide by Tony DiCola




This is a fun project to build a simple robot using the Raspberry Pi ‎and Adafruit's awesome robot chassis kit. This robot is one of the ‎simplest robots you can build and uses two DC motors to control a ‎pair of wheels. A swivel caster in the front holds the robot up, and ‎the Raspberry Pi with motor HAT controls the motors. ‎

There are no sensors or other inputs to the robot, it will just follow a ‎set of instructions in Python code that tell the robot how to ‎move. Use this project as a starting point for your own amazing ‎Raspberry Pi robot projects! You could add sensors to detect objects ‎around the Pi, add a camera to get a robot's eye view of the world, or ‎even connect the robot to web services that control its actions--‎there's almost no limit to what you can do with this amazing robot!‎

To build this project it will help to familiarize yourself with using the ‎Raspberry Pi. Follow these great learn Raspberry Pi guides to learn ‎the basics. You will also want to review the motor HAT guide, and ‎skim the Bluefruit LE feather robot guide to learn more about the ‎robot chassis.‎

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You'll need the following parts to build this robot:‎

Raspberry Pi Setup

You'll want to make sure your Raspberry Pi is running the latest ‎version of the Raspbian Jessie operating system. In addition, the Pi ‎will need access to the internet through a wired or wireless network ‎connection so it can download necessary software.‎

If you're new to the Raspberry Pi be sure to follow a few getting ‎started guides to learn how to load an operating system on the ‎Pi, setup a wired or wireless network connection, and connect to its ‎command line terminal.‎

Motor HAT

Start the project by following the motor HAT guide to assemble and ‎test the HAT. Make sure you can install the motor HAT software and ‎test each DC motor to verify it spins. It's much easier to troubleshoot ‎issues with the HAT and motors when it's outside the robot chassis!‎

Once you've assembled and checked the motor HAT works, continue ‎on to learn how to put together the robot.‎

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Follow the steps below to build the robot. It will help to also skim ‎the Bluefruit LE feather robot guide to see more pictures of ‎assembling the robot chassis. There are a few small differences in ‎the assembly of the Pi robot that will be noted below.‎

Start by screwing the DC motors to the back of the chassis (i.e., the ‎end farther away from the angled front). Make sure the motors have ‎the same orientation, with the side that the wire exits facing forward.‎

Next screw in the caster to the center mounting holes.‎

Assemble the wheels by stretching the tires onto the hubs, then ‎push the wheel into place on the motor head and screw it in.‎

You can feed the DC motor wires up through the angled mounting ‎slots in the chassis.‎


Flip the robot over so it stands on its wheels.‎

Cut out a small square of cardboard that's about the same size as ‎the Raspberry Pi. This cardboard will protect the bottom of the Pi ‎from touching the metal robot chassis and shorting out. It's very ‎important to prevent the bottom of the Pi from touching the ‎metal chassis or you could damage the Pi!‎

Screw the top plate standoffs into the mounting holes near the ‎center of the chassis (flanking where the angled mounting slots ‎meet).‎


Place the Pi on the cardboard and position it so the Pi's rear ‎mounting holes (near the USB ports) are directly above the long ‎mounting slot at the back of the chassis. Use the #4-40 machine ‎screws and nuts to screw through the Pi and cardboard to securely ‎hold the Pi in place.‎


If you aren't using Pi HAT standoffs to hold the motor HAT place a ‎piece of electrical tape across the HDMI connector side of the ‎Pi. This will help prevent the motor HAT from getting pushed down ‎into the connectors and shorting out. If you are using the standoffs, ‎you can place them over the front mounting holes of the Pi (not ‎shown).‎


If you haven't already done so, click here to head over to the Motor ‎Hat assembly instructions!‎

Push the motor HAT into place on the Pi's GPIO connector. Screw ‎down the standoffs if being used to hold the HAT.


Connect the DC motors to the motor HAT as shown to the left.

The left (or 'driver side' for US/right side of the road drivers) DC motor ‎should be connected to port M1 on the motor HAT. The right (or ‎‎'passenger side') DC motor should be connected to port M2 on the ‎motor HAT. ‎

The black motor wire connects to the left screw terminal of the port, ‎and the red motor wire connects to the right screw terminal of the ‎port. The middle GND screw terminal is unused.‎


Connect the 4x AA battery pack red wire to the +/positive power ‎screw terminal on the HAT, and the black wire to the -/negative ‎power screw terminal.‎

Finish the robot by screwing the top plate firmly to the standoffs in ‎the center. Use double sided foam tape or electrical tape to hold the ‎‎4xAA battery pack to the top plate, and the USB battery pack to the ‎front of the robot.‎


Woo hoo, that's all there is to building the bot! Your robot should ‎look something like the pictures to the left.‎

Continue on to learn about simple Python software to make the ‎robot move.‎



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The software for this project is actually included in the Adafruit ‎CircuitPython MotorKit library examples. There's ‎a script that tells the robot to move forward, ‎backward, and turn in different directions. This script uses a little ‎helper class in that talks to the motor HAT and ‎exposes simple functions to move the robot.‎

Make sure you've followed the motor HAT guide software installation.‎

Download Example Files

The installation of the library does not include the examples. So, you ‎will want to grab those manually. You can use the links below to ‎download them. Be sure to save both of these into the same ‎directory.‎

You can also download the files directly to your device using wget:‎

Copy Code

Run Example

To run the robot code first make sure the 4x AA battery pack ‎connected to the motor HAT is powered on. Then place the robot on ‎the floor where there are no obstructions around it for a few ‎feet. Remember this is a simple robot that has no sensors to ‎know if it's hitting something or about to fall off a table! Be very ‎careful to ensure the path of the robot is free and safe to travel!‎

When the script runs it will instruct the robot to ‎move. So, make sure the coast is clear. When you've ensured the ‎path of the robot is clear run the following command to run the ‎robot code:‎

Copy Code

Be ready to pick up the bot or flip off its motor power supply in ‎case it comes close to hitting something or falling!‎

Woo hoo, you should see the robot start to move around! If you see ‎an error message check that you've followed all of the steps above ‎and in the motor HAT guide to install the software. Try testing each ‎motor individually with the motor HAT guide DC motor test ‎software to make sure they can spin.‎

Note that if the robot spins instead of moving forward you likely have ‎the motors connected incorrectly. Try swapping the order of the ‎connections and testing again. You can flip the robot over and ‎watch the wheels move to check that they both move in the same ‎direction when moving forward, and they move in opposite ‎directions when turning.‎


The example is very simple. The real fun comes from writing code to ‎make the robot do what YOU want. Start by making a copy of ‎the script and open it in an editor, like nano.‎

Open your script in a text editor and look for these lines:‎

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Copy Code
robot.left(0.5, 1)
robot.right(0.5, 1)
robot.steer(0.5, 0.2)
robot.stop()  # Stop the robot from moving.

Those are the basic move commands. You can change those up as ‎you want. Add more, etc.‎

As described in the code comment above them, each takes two ‎parameters. The first one is the speed of the movement. Speed ‎should be a value between 0 and 255. The higher the value the ‎faster the movement. Note that you'll need to start with a value ‎around 75-100 or so to move the motors with enough torque to get ‎the robot started.‎

The second parameter is the amount of time (in seconds) to perform ‎the action. For example, a call to robot.forward(150, 1.0) will move ‎the robot forward at a speed of 150 for 1.0 second.‎

Another way to use the functions is to just pass the first parameter, ‎the speed, to them. This will start the robot moving and then return ‎to your script so you can do other things. For example:‎

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# Spin in place slowly for a few seconds.
robot.right(100)  # No time is specified so the robot will start spinning forever.
time.sleep(2.0)   # Pause for a few seconds while the robot spins (you could do
                  # other processing here though!).
robot.stop()      # Stop the robot from moving.

In the snippet above the robot will start spinning to the right at a ‎speed of 100, then the code will sleep for 2 seconds, and finally stop ‎the robot. Instead of sleeping you could perform other actions ‎though, like reading sensors, talking to web services, etc--the sky is ‎the limit as far as what you can do with the robot & Python code!‎

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