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Simple Raspberry Pi Robot

By Adafruit Industries

This is a fun project to build a simple robot using the Raspberry Pi and Adafruit's awesome robot chassis kit.


CircuitPython Hardware Charlieplex LED Matrix

By Adafruit Industries

How to use Charlieplex LED matrices with CircuitPython!


Porting an Arduino Library to CircuitPython - VL6180X Distance Sensor

By Adafruit Industries

This tutorial will explore how to port an Arduino driver for the VL6180X distance sensor to CircuitPython.


Techno-Tiki RGB LED Torch

By Adafruit Industries

The techno-tiki torch project is the perfect way to set the mood with LED torches that glow and animate in any color.


CircuitPython Hardware ILI9341 TFT & FeatherWing

By Adafruit Industries

This module allows you to do basic drawing like putting pixels and filling rectangles on TFT displays like the TFT FeatherWing.


CircuitPython Hardware SD Cards

By Adafruit Industries

Learn how to use a microSD card to store code & data with CircuitPython and MicroPython!


Dotstar LED and Glass Pebble Floor

By Adafruit Industries

Line your walkway or edge your room with Dotstar LEDs submerged beneath colored glass pebbles.