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CircuitPlayground Morse Code Flasher

2018-02-06 | By Adafruit Industries

License: See Original Project Circuit Playground

Courtesy of Adafruit

Guide by Collin Cunningham


This project uses a Circuit Playground Express board to convert text into Morse Code using Circuit Playground's built-in neopixel LEDs.

Use it as an emergency beacon, a spy communicator, or to help you learn Morse code for yourself.

CircuitPlayground morse code flasher

What You'll Need

To build this project, you'll need the following items:

What is Morse Code?

Wikipedia defines Morse Code as the following:

Morse code is a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without special equipment. It is named for Samuel F. B. Morse, an inventor of the telegraph.

So, Morse code is essentially a way to communicate using short and long tones or flashes of light.

Below is a chart that shows each letter of the alphabet along with its translation into Morse 'dots' and 'dashes':

Morse code chart

The above chart also provides rules for the length of each Morse code - for example; one dash should last three times as long as one dot.

With those basic rules in mind, let's program the Circuit Playground board to display messages as Morse code flashes of light …

Program It

To get the Morse Flasher running, you'll need to program your Circuit Playground Express with the project's code.

Connect your board to your computer using a Micro USB cable and choose how you'd like to program it. The project code is available for MakeCode or Circuit Python.

The code for this project was written in both MakeCode and CircuitPython languages - so you can choose which one you'd like to use:

Morse Code Flasher for MakeCode


Morse Code Flasher for Circuit Python


To program your Circuit Playground Express board with MakeCode, attach your computer via a micro USB cable, you should see it appear as an attached drive named "CPLAYBOOT".

In the MakeCode window below, click the pink download button in the lower right corner and move the downloaded .uf2 file to the "CPLAYBOOT" drive.

Copy Code
let newCode = ""
let Morse: string[] = []
let Alphabet: string[] = []
let message = ""
let letter = ""
let spaceLength = 0
let code = ""
let dashLength = 0
let morseOut = ""
let dotLength = 0
function showDot() {
function encode() {
morseOut = ""
for (let msgIndex = 0; msgIndex <= message.length; msgIndex++) {
letter = message.charAt(msgIndex)
for (let alphaIndex = 0; alphaIndex <= Alphabet.length; alphaIndex++) {
if (Alphabet[alphaIndex] == letter) {
newCode = Morse[alphaIndex]
morseOut = "" + morseOut + newCode
morseOut = "" + morseOut + " "
function showDash() {
function showSpace() {
function MorseLights() {
for (let codeIndex = 0; codeIndex <= morseOut.length; codeIndex++) {
code = morseOut.charAt(codeIndex)
if (code == ".") {
} else if (code == "-") {
} else {
if (code == " ") {
dotLength = 100
dashLength = dotLength * 3
spaceLength = dotLength * 3
message = "SOS"
Alphabet = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"]
Morse = [".-", "-...", "-.-.", "-..", ".", "..-.", "--.", "....", "..", ".---", "-.-", ".-..", "--", "-.", "---", ".--.", "--.-", ".-.", "...", "-", "..-", "...-", ".--", "-..-", "-.--", "--.."]
loops.forever(function () {

Customize the Message

By default, the board will display Morse code for "SOS", but you can easily customize it with any capital letters or numbers. To do so, Modify the first block in within the "on start" block:

Modify the first block in within the "on start" block

Simply replace "SOS" with your message - just be sure to use only capital letters:


A Tour of the Code

Let's take a look at all of the MakeCode blocks and learn a bit about how they work …

On Start

This is where we define the variables we’ll be using to store values we need to access from our code.

This is where we define the variables

message is the message we’ll be displaying in Morse code.

dotLength is the length of time (in seconds) one morse dot will take to display. dotLength is also used to determine the durations of the other time variables (dashLength & spaceLength) So, if you change dotLength, the other time variables will change in relation to it.

Alphabet is an array that contains the entire alphabet as capital letters.

Morse is an array that contains the morse codes used to represent the entire alphabet.


The functions do all the real work in our project. Let's look at each one and learn about what it does…

The functions do all the real work in our project

The showDot function turns the LEDs red, waits for one dotLength, then turns them off and waits for one dotLength.

The showDot function turns the LEDs red

The showDash function turns the LEDs red, waits for one dashLength, then turns the LEDs off and waits for one dotLength.

The showDash function turns the LEDs red

The showSpace function turns the LEDs off, then waits for one spaceLength.

The showSpace function turns the LEDs off

The encode function translates the message variable into morse code using the Alphabet and Morse arrays. It takes each character from the message, finds that character’s morse code equivalent, and adds that code to a variable named morseOut

encode function translates using Alphabet/Morse array

The MorseLights function takes all the dots and dashes stored in the morseOut variable and converts them into LED flashes. One by one, it checks each character in morseOut. If it finds a dot, it will call the showDot function. If it finds a dash, it will call the showDash function. And if it finds a space, it will call the showSpace function.

MorseLights takes dots/dashes stored converts into LED

Finally, the forever block runs two functions over and over in a loop. First, it calls the encode function to encode our message, then it calls MorseLights to display our message in Morse code with the Circuit Playground’s LEDs.


To program your Circuit Playground Express board with CircuitPython code, first make sure your board is set up to use CircuitPython - check out the Quick Start guide for instructions.

make sure your board is set up to use CircuitPython

Once your board is set up and attached to your computer via a micro USB cable, you should see it appear as an attached drive named "CIRCUITPY". (You may need to double-click the Reset button to make it appear.)

Copy the code below and save it as a file named "" on the "CIRCUITPY" drive.

Copy Code
# Circuit Playground Express CircuitPython Morse Code Flasher
# This is meant to work with the Circuit Playground Express board:
# Needs the NeoPixel module installed:
# Author: Collin Cunningham
# License: MIT License (

import time
import board
import neopixel

# Configuration:
message = 'SOS' # Message to display (capital letters and numbers only)
dot_length = 0.15 # Duration of one Morse dot
dash_length = (dot_length * 3.0) # Duration of one Morse dash
symbol_gap = dot_length # Duration of gap between dot or dash
character_gap = (dot_length * 3.0) # Duration of gap between characters
flash_color = (255, 0, 0) # Color of the morse display.
brightness = 0.5 # Display brightness (0.0 - 1.0)
morse = [('A', '.-'), ('B', '-...'), ('C', '-.-.'), ('D', '-..'), ('E', '.'), ('F', '..-.'), ('G', '--.'), ('H', '....'), ('I', '..'), ('J', '.---'), ('K', '-.-'), ('L', '.-..'), ('M', '--'), ('N', '-.'), ('O', '---'), ('P', '.--.'), ('Q', '--.-'), ('R', '.-.'), ('S', '...'), ('T', '-'), ('U', '..-'), ('V', '...-'), ('W', '.--'), ('X', '-..-'), ('Y', '-.--'), ('Z', '--..'), ('0', '-----'), ('1', '.----'), ('2', '..---'), ('3', '...--'), ('4', '....-'), ('5', '.....'), ('6', '-....'), ('7', '--...'), ('8', '---..'), ('9', '----.')]

# Define a class that represents the morse flasher.
class MorseFlasher:

def __init__(self, color=(255,255,255)):
#set the color adjusted for brightness
self._color = (int(color[0]*brightness), int(color[1]*brightness), int(color[2]*brightness))

def light(self, on=True):
if on:

def showDot(self):

def showDash(self):

def encode(self, str):
output = ""
#iterate through string's characters
for c in str:
#find morse code for a character
for x in morse:
if x[0] == c:
#add code to output
output += x[1]
# add a space in between characters
output += " "
#save complete morse code output to display

def display(self, code=".-.-.- "):
# iterate through morse code symbols
for c in code:
# show a dot
if c == ".":
# show a dash
elif c == "-":
# show a gap
elif c == " ":

# Initialize NeoPixels
pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 10, auto_write=False)
pixels.fill((0, 0, 0))

# Create a morse flasher object.
flasher = MorseFlasher(flash_color)

# Main loop will run forever
while True:

Once the new file is saved, the board should restart and start displaying the SOS message in Morse code.

You should see flashes that correspond to the following sequence:

. . . - - - . . .

A Tour of the Code

So, what is all this CircuitPython code doing? Let’s take a look piece by piece …


First off, we import code libraries that allow us to do complex things with simple commands …

Copy Code
import time
import board
import neopixel


Next, we define the variables we’ll be using to store important values …

Copy Code
message = 'SOS'                     # Message to display (capital letters and numbers only)
dot_length = 0.15 # Duration of one Morse dot
dash_length = (dot_length * 3.0) # Duration of one Morse dash
symbol_gap = dot_length # Duration of gap between dot or dash
character_gap = (dot_length * 3.0) # Duration of gap between characters
flash_color = (255, 0, 0) # Color of the morse display.
brightness = 0.5 # Display brightness (0.0 - 1.0)
morse = [('A', '.-'), ('B', '-...'), ('C', '-.-.'), ('D', '-..'), ('E', '.'), ('F', '..-.'), ('G', '--.'), ('H', '....'), ('I', '..'), ('J', '.---'), ('K', '-.-'), ('L', '.-..'), ('M', '--'), ('N', '-.'), ('O', '---'), ('P', '.--.'), ('Q', '--.-'), ('R', '.-.'), ('S', '...'), ('T', '-'), ('U', '..-'), ('V', '...-'), ('W', '.--'), ('X', '-..-'), ('Y', '-.--'), ('Z', '--..'), ('0', '-----'), ('1', '.----'), ('2', '..---'), ('3', '...--'), ('4', '....-'), ('5', '.....'), ('6', '-....'), ('7', '--...'), ('8', '---..'), ('9', '----.')]

message is the string of letters or numbers we want to display in Morse code.

dot_length is the length of time (in seconds) one morse dot will take to display. dot_length is also used to determine the value of all the other time variables (dash_length, symbol_gap, & character_gap) So, if you change dot_length, all the other time variables will change in relation to it.

flash_color is the color the LEDs will show when they flash.

brightness determines how bright the flashes will be.

Finally, the morse variable is an array of value pairs called “tuples”. Each tuple contains two values - the first one is the readable character we want to display in Morse code and the second is the sequence of Morse dots and dashes we’ll use to display that readable character.

MorseFlasher Object

Next up, we define the MorseFlasher object which will translate our readable characters to Morse code and handle all the LED flashing. It looks pretty big, but it's not too complicated once you break it down …

Copy Code
class MorseFlasher:

def __init__(self, color=(255,255,255)):
#set the color adjusted for brightness
self._color = (int(color[0]*brightness), int(color[1]*brightness), int(color[2]*brightness))

def light(self, on=True):
if on:

def showDot(self):

def showDash(self):

def encode(self, str):
output = ""
#iterate through string's characters
for c in str:
#find morse code for a character
for x in morse:
if x[0] == c:
#add code to output
output += x[1]
# add a space in between characters
output += " "
#save complete morse code output to display

def display(self, code=".-.-.- "):
# iterate through morse code symbols
for c in code:
# show a dot
if c == ".":
# show a dash
elif c == "-":
# show a gap
elif c == " ":

Within the MorseFlasher object, there are several functions that define how it works:

The __init__ function creates the MorseFlasher object and sets the color that it will show by multiplying an initial color by the brightness variable.

The light function turns the LEDs on or off depending on a given boolean (True or False) value.

The showDot function turns the LEDs on, waits for one dot_length, then turns them off and waits for one gap_length.

The showDash function turns the LEDs on, waits for one dash_length, then turns them off and waits for one gap_length.

The encode function takes a message and translates it into morse code using the morse array variable. It takes each character from the message, finds that character’s morse code from the array of tuples, and adds that code to a variable named output. Once all the characters in the message have been translated, the display function is called and given the output variable.

Finally, the display function takes a string of morse code (dots, dashes, and spaces) and converts into LED flashes. One by one, it checks each character in the code. If it finds a dot, it will call the show_dot function. If it finds a dash, it will call the show_dash function. And if it finds a space, it will wait for the length of one character_gap.

Let's do this!

Once all of our functions have been defined, it’s time to get the party started and use all that code we've written above …

Copy Code
# Initialize NeoPixels
pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 10, auto_write=False)
pixels.fill((0, 0, 0))

# Create a morse flasher object.
flasher = MorseFlasher(flash_color)

# Main loop will run forever
while True:

In order to easily control our LEDs, we create pixels which is a Neopixel object from the neopixel library we imported earlier. We want to make sure the LEDs are all turned off at the start, so we set them to black (0, 0, 0) and call to show the colors we just set.

Next, we create the MorseFlasher object named flasher and we give it the color we want the LEDs to flash.

Finally - we set all the gears in motion. Inside the main loop (while True:) we call the flasher object’s encode function and give it our message to display. Once the function has completed and shown the message, the main loop will begin again and our message will be displayed - FOREVER! … or at least until you disconnect power or reprogram the Circuit Playground board ;)

Change it!

This project is a great starting point for learning to code for the Circuit Playground Express. Consider modifying it to make it your own.

Here's some ideas for changes you can make and some tips on how to make them in CircuitPython:

Change the message

By default, the code will display Morse code for "SOS", but you can easily customize it with any capital letters or numbers. To do so, Modify this line:

message = 'SOS'

Simply replace SOS with your message - just be sure to use only capital letters or numbers:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

(Note that the MakeCode version of the code will only display letters, not numbers)

Customize the color of the LEDs

The color and brightness of the LEDs can be changed by modifying these two lines in the CircuitPython code:

flash_color = (255, 0, 0) # Color of the morse display.

brightness = 0.5 # Display brightness (0.0 - 1.0)

The flash_color numbers represent the amount of (Red, Green, Blue) mixed together to create the final displayed color. They can be any whole number between 0 and 255.

The brightness value changes how much of the flash_color is displayed. It can be set to a decimal value between 0.0 and 1.0

Adjust the speed of the LED flashes

The duration of LED flashes and the gap between them can all be changed with this line:

dot_length = 0.15 # Duration of one Morse dot

The dot_length value represents time in seconds, so changing 0.15 to 1.0 will make each 'dot' flash last one whole second - which is pretty long for morse code!

More ideas

Once you feel comfortable making changes to the code, try making some more advanced modifications like these:

  • Set the display to only trigger after pressing one of the built-in buttons
  • Set a different message to display for each button pressed
  • Add an audio tone which plays in sync with the LEDs
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Adafruit Industries LLC
制造商零件编号 3025031-06
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