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Microchip Technology

Image of Microchip's PIC® & AVR® MCUs


Microchip 的 PIC 和 AVR 8 位 MCU 具有开发简单、外设自主运行以及选择性强等优点,是大受欢迎的高性价比之选。

Image of Microchip's Analog Products


Microchip 拥有种类齐全的高性价比、高可靠性信号链、电源管理和接口解决方案产品组合,适合各种各样的应用。

Image of Microchip Timing Solutions


可生成、分发和应用精确定时的端到端计时解决方案,可广泛用于通信、消费电子、IT 基础设施、汽车、航空航天和国防等一系列行业。

Image of Microchip Microcontroller Applications Workshop

Microcontroller Applications Workshops

We’re excited to invite you to our Microcontroller (MCU) Applications Workshops. This is your chance to dive into the latest advancements in our MCU and microprocessor (MPU) technology through live demonstrations, interactive sessions and plenty of networking opportunities.


最新产品 特色产品

Next-Generation AVR® Microcontrollers (MCUs)

Microchip next-generation AVR MCUs are easily customizable peripherals and premier code-efficient architecture.

WFI32E04UE Wi-Fi® MCU 模块:高性能连接

Microchip WFI32E04UE 模块使嵌入式设计人员能够构建复杂的物联网软件,涵盖 WLAN、TCP/IP 协议栈、RTOS、云连接和应用程序。

AVR DU 微控制器:高性能嵌入式解决方案

Microchip AVR DU 微控制器专为实时控制和 USB 2.0 全速设备支持而设计。

AVR® EB 单片机

Microchip AVR ® EB 单片机拥有全面的功能集,能够以最少的编程工作量在单个芯片上实现多种功能。



Image of Microchip Designs for the Edge

Designs for the Edge

Microchip is focusing on 6 pivotal market areas. Sign up and delve into the key applications for these megatrends. Available live or on demand.


 Microchip Technology MEMS and Crystal Oscillator Solutions PIO | DigiKey
Microchip Technology MEMS and Crystal Oscillator Solutions PIO | DigiKey
Microchip助力人工智能服务器性能: 卓越的时钟及时序解决方案,提高工作效率和用户体验 | 得捷时刻
Microchip助力人工智能服务器性能: 卓越的时钟及时序解决方案,提高工作效率和用户体验 | 得捷时刻
PolarFire System on Chip FPGA Discovery Kit - Unboxing | DigiKey
PolarFire System on Chip FPGA Discovery Kit - Unboxing | DigiKey
Microchip - 借助I3C®增强嵌入式连接 | 得捷时刻
Microchip - 借助I3C®增强嵌入式连接 | 得捷时刻

近期 PTM

10 minutes
PAC194x/PAC195x Multi-Channel Power Monitor Family
This presentation will introduce Microchip’s PAC194x and PAC195x multi-channel power monitor family and go over features and benefits.
5 minutes
Smart Embedded Vision Products
This presentation will give an outline of the background and needs of the Smart Embedded Vision products.
5 minutes
MCP6D11 Fully Differential Operational Amplifier
This presentation will introduce the MCP6D11, Microchip’s first fully differential operational amplifier.
5 minutes
SAMA5D2 Cortex A5-based MPU
Introduce System in Package and System on Module solutions and show how they can eliminate common MPU-based design challenges and simplify design.
5 minutes
AT30TS750A Digital Temperature Sensor
Introducing Microchip's AT30TS750A digital temperature sensor, highlighting its unique strengths, benefits, and key features.
5 minutes
16-bit PIC® MCUs and dsPIC® DSCs with Core Independent Peripherals Overview
This training will introduce Core Independent Peripherals in PIC® MCUs and dsPIC® DSCs and discuss their value propositions.

关于 Microchip Technology

Microchip Technology Inc. 是领先的微控制器和模拟半导体提供商,为全球范围内数以千计的各类客户应用提供低风险产品开发、更低的总系统成本和更快的面市速度。Microchip 的总部位于亚利桑那州钱德勒市,提供杰出的技术支持,交付及时可靠,产品品质优异。



