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Tools and Support


Boyd Liquid Cooling Solutions
Boyd Liquid Cooling Solutions
Boyd Standard Recirculating Chiller
Boyd Standard Recirculating Chiller
Metal Rod vs. Heat Pipe
Metal Rod vs. Heat Pipe
Applying Thermal Grease
Applying Thermal Grease

近期 PTM

5 minutes
Max Clip Series
Overview of the Max Clip system of heat sinks, clips, and solder pins, used to optimize thermal management of power transistors
5 minutes
How to Select a Heat Sink
A step-by-step guide describing how to identify and select the correct heat sink for applications, along with selection examples from Aavid Thermalloy.
10 minutes
Synjet® Coolers for Use in LED Lighting
Aavid Thermal Division of Boyd SynJet® coolers are a high reliability air mover that last longer than the LEDs that they cool.


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