A simple passive R-C snubber is used in power circuitry to dissipate energy and clamp voltages during turn-on and turn-off cycles. For example, in an application where high-voltage MOSFETs are used as the switching device, rapid changes occur as the drain-to-source voltage steps up during MOSFET operation. These changes create voltage transient noise on the gate of the MOSFET. A capacitor snubber is used across the source-drain as a bypass cap for the harmful switching noise. Used in this application, HVArc Guard® capacitor MLCCs will typically require significantly less space than standard high-voltage capacitors. Shown here is an example of a snubber used in a totem pole configured MOSFET circuit. A wide range of passive devices can be used to make a passive snubber that absorbs the energy from the reactance in a power switching circuit. Snubbers can be used to clamp ringing noise, reduce power dissipation during turn-off, or reduce peak switching voltages. Snubbers are a critical circuit for improving the efficiency of most switching semiconductor circuits.