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MSP430 Value Line Slide 3
The additional performance and lower power of the MSP430G2xx series enables new possibilities in traditional 8-bit applications. The low power allows extended battery-power operation in a variety of intelligent sensing applications that was not possible with 8-bit solutions. Many applications can operate from the same installed batteries for 8-10 years, reducing service calls and product maintenance costs. The features of the G2xx family also allow lower cost and more reliable solutions that are flexible and fully programmable. The high-performance 16-bit CPU and robust communication capability when combined with integrated high-performance analog-to-digital converters make the G2xx great for a variety of intelligent data acquisition systems such as personal health and fitness, sensors etc. Some other examples include security and safety applications. Some new innovative functionality that the Value Line can enable is inclusion of smoke detectors as part of a wireless network.
PTM Published on: 2010-07-20