When dealing with RGB, red, green, blue signals, as would be the case with PC or multimedia applications, there are triple and quad devices in a package which simplify signal routing and making for a compact bank of amplifiers in a small space. The devices listed here are good choices to be considered in these instances. You will note the arrow pointing to the device in the bottom middle of the slide. This is a Programmable Gain Buffer, in this case for the LMH6739. As you can see, with a device like this, the gain setting resistors are built into the package and manufactured right on the die. What does this buy for you? Well, this allows you to eliminate some external components in tight layouts and in the case of the 6739, with three devices inside, this offers a great advantage. In addition, this maximizes speed as it reduces the capacitance on the critical input junction which could otherwise slow the overall response. Finally, because the resistors are in intimate contact with the die and they have closer temperature coupling, better temperature tracking is obtained and also the individual amplifiers inside would have better matching as well. You will note that the Large Signal Bandwidth, or LSBW, is highlighted in this slide. This parameter is specified for many of the higher-speed amplifiers that Texas Instruments manufactures. It is generally measured at two volts peak-to-peak. LSBW is a good measure of attainable speed when you’re dealing with video signals since, as we have already discussed, analog video is generally at around the two volt peak-to-peak level in the video pre-amp stages.