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Product Info SiLabs isolation page SiLabs isolation page

Another item available to facilitate evaluation is the Si826x sample pack. The sample pack provides samples of Si826x products in different packages and with several output configurations. The samples are all packaged together in a convenient box that can be left on the bench where isolators are likely to be needed. This kit provides a high performance isolator in the package and configuration needed. Silicon Labs also have two videos accessible from or from YouTube. The first video illustrates the testing technique used to measure the noise immunity of isolators and demonstrates the superior performance of the LED emulator product families from Silicon Labs compared to optos. The second video discusses the high voltage reliability aspect of isolators, briefly introduces different modeling techniques, and finally provides an in-depth perspective on the comparative performance of Silicon Labs’ isolators vs. optos, proving conclusively that Si8xxx products have far better lifetimes compared to optos. Several application notes and a white paper are also available for download to provide more information about these products and their use. There is also the data sheet and the user’s guide for the evaluation board available online.

PTM Published on: 2013-06-18