There are two main components of an IGBT that design teams focus on. First is the insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) device. Currently, ROHM is using light punch through (LPT) with field stop technology. IGBTs are great for high-voltage applications 600 V and up, as they are very robust with a wide safe operating area (SOA). The drawback of IGBTs is that during the turn-off, the collector current is tailing due to the minority carrier causing larger losses. The second area of design focus is the fast recovery diode (FRD). When paired with the IGBT, fast recovery diodes have a shorter reverse recovery time (trr) than typical diodes, and thus, exhibit faster switching time and lower loss. Even more advanced is pairing a silicon carbide Schottky barrier diode (SBD) to improve switching losses even further and enable the best system efficiencies at a low cost.