Four levels of environmental classifications for mechanical, ingress, climatic/chemical, and electromagnetic robustness are provide to characterize cabling system and component robustness in industrial environments. Observe that each element has several parameters that are considered among many when choosing the cable, connector or pathway systems to use in the manufacturing spaces. What is shown here is a sub-set of the extensive environmental conditions that are present in work areas. The standards include many pages with extensive details of the concentration, levels and severity limits of each of these elements. Because this list of parameters for each element is extensive and can be hard to follow, and could become overwhelming at times, suppliers of these network infrastructure components are now providing guidance to help end-users/contractors choose the right components based on TIA-568 and TIA-1005-A M.I.C.E. guidance number. There are three severity classifications for each of the elements, numbered 1, 2, or 3, which relate to the severity of the environmental parameter. The environmental classification for a commercial building is typically M1I1C1E1. The harshest environmental classification is M3I3C3E3. For more details, consult with TIA-568 for the complete list of parameters in each element category.