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Totem I2C

Totem pole output GPIO provide active source and sink current sources and do not rely on a pull up resistor to provide the source current. The four sets of registers within totem pole outputs devices are programmable and provide for: Configuration (Input or Output) control, Input (value), Output (value) or Polarity (active high or low). The PCA9554/54A/55 devices have interrupt outputs and the 8 or 16 I/O pins can be configured for interrupt inputs. These devices have the same I2C address and footprint as the PCF8574/74A/75 but require some software modifications due to the different I/O registers. The PCA9554 and PCA9555 have the same I2C address while the PCA9554A has a slightly different fixed address, allowing 16 devices (eight PCA9554A and eight PCA9554/55 in any combination) to be on the same I2C/SMBus. The PCA9557 features a Hardware Reset pin instead of the interrupt output that allows the device to be reset remotely should the I2C bus hang up. The PCA9557 has the same electrical characteristics as the PCA9554/54A.

PTM Published on: 2013-06-26