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There are many example applications that can make use of an Ethernet communication. Here we are highlighting an internet radio. The obvious benefit of the Internet radio compared to legacy radios is location independence. So if for instance, you are traveling and out of reception range for your hometown radio station, over the Internet you can still listen to your favorite radio programs. On the left side is the demonstration board. On the right, a block diagram of the system. Using its Ethernet on-chip peripheral, the PIC18F97J60 interfaces to the RJ-45 MagJack Ethernet cable connector. Having the TCP/IP stack from Microchip programmed on the PIC18F97J60 microcontroller, communication over the internet is made possible. Using the I/O of this Ethernet Microcontroller the Interface to the OLED graphics LCD display allows for displaying IP addresses, mode of operation and other important information to be displayed. Finally, using the SPI interface, the PIC18F97J60 interfaces to the VLSI VS1011 MP3 Audio decoder. With the URL for a multiple station listing preprogrammed on the system, push buttons will allow the user to scroll through the radio stations and select the station desired.

PTM Published on: 2011-11-03