Over the last year, Microchip has introduced its PIC18 J-series general purpose MCUs; providing a low cost point/performance ration while providing more I/O on-chip. Other devices targeted for Ethernet, LCD, and USB markets are also part of this family. Each of these devices, are supported by design centers with application notes, free software and drivers. Our focus is on the PIC18F97J60 embedded Ethernet controller for remote monitoring and control. The PIC18F97J60 family is compliant with the industry standard for 10BASE-T (10 Mbps) Ethernet. The family comes with an integrated, on-board MAC and PHY, making Ethernet communications possible. The superset device, PIC18F97J60, is a 100-pin part with 128 Kbytes Flash, 3 Kbytes of data SRAM and 8 Kbytes of dedicated buffer RAM. The PIC18F85J90 includes LCD drive for segmented displays and the PIC18F87J50 which includes full-speed USB 2.0 support in 64/80 pins.