Key differentiators from the standard UNO design which has a 16MHz ATMEGA328 MCU offering fourteen Digital I/O pins and six analog inputs. It includes a more recent Micro-USB connector, a low power FT231XS USB to UART converter for firmware loading, the location of indicator LEDs has been moved to ensure they are visible when shields are plugged in, an On/Off switch is included in NerO but does not appear on an UNO design, and a 5V switching regulator allows for efficient power delivery of up to 1A ensuring the PCB remains cool at high current operation. Bridgetek has also ensured design and manufacture to a high standard including FCC/CE approval, making the board suitable for both commercial and hobbyist designs. The LP (long pin) version has been designed to allow extra clearance to connect well with Bridgetek CleO boards. Because the design is based on the original UNO design, common software will run on either NerO or UNO.