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syst prot
There are several system protection features incorporated into this device, including a watchdog computer operating properly (COP) module. The watchdog clock timer has multiple timeout periods that can be selected as well as multiple clock source options, including an independent 1KHz oscillator. Being able to select multiple timeout periods allows more flexibility in code writing while maintaining maximum protection against runaway code. The independent oscillator clock source offers additonal protection from runaway code in the case of crystal failure. Another system protection feature is the low-voltage detect circuitry which is similar to that on other devices. This circuitry offers the option of selecting an interrupt or a reset as supply voltage drops, providing system protection in case the supply voltage gets to dangerously low levels. Protection against runaway code is provided by the illegal op code and illegal address detection function. This function also allows identification of events that may be resetting the device in a debugging environment. Finally, the flash block protection and security provides prevention against unintentional programming of protected flash areas, reducing the chance of losing vital system code. The security options allow manufacturers additional protection of software IP (intellectual property). NXP offers a full ecosystem of continuously developing resources intended to assist in the low-power design-in process. Some of those resources include application notes, reference designs, a battery calculator, and a dedicated website to find it all in one location. The DEMO9S08QE8 demonstration kit is the same board used for the QES08, QE128, and ColdFire™ QE128 devices. If one of these boards is already owned, the designer just needs to purchase the DC9S08QE8 daughter card and install it on their board. Also available is CodeWarrior Development Studio for 6.1 Special Edition, which is a free download from the NXP website. Finally, online training, webcasts, technical documentation, and application notes are also available on NXP's website.
PTM Published on: 2011-10-12