The Rabbit 6000 is a high-performance microprocessor specifically designed for embedded control, communications, and network connectivity. Extensive peripheral features along with a C-friendly instruction set enable a quicker time-to-market solution. The Rabbit 6000 is the fastest microprocessor from Rabbit, now a Digi International brand. Running at up to 200 MHz, the Rabbit 6000 boasts sixteen channels of DMA, six serial ports with IrDA, sixty-four plus digital I/Os, a quadrature decoder, PWM outputs, an I²C port, and pulse capture and measurement capabilities. It also features a battery-backable real-time clock, glueless memory and I/O interfacing. The Rabbit 6000 contains 1 MB of internal high-speed 16-bit RAM, which can be used for both code and data. It also contains 32 KB of battery-backable 16-bit SRAM (also high speed) for applications where data retention is critical. It is capable of booting off of a standard serial Flash, so a microcontroller application with no external parallel memory is possible. The Rabbit 6000 provides two options for network connectivity — a full 10/100Base-T Ethernet MAC and PHY and a wireless 802.11a/b/g MAC compatible with several standard Wi-Fi transceivers. Both network interfaces can be active at the same time. The Rabbit 6000 also contains a USB 2.0- full-speed USB host MAC and PHY.