Mixed-Signal Precision32™ 32-Bit Microcontroller Family

Silicon Labs' Precision32™ 32-bit microcontroller (MCU) family is engineered to make your job easier. The Precision32 MCUs provide a highly integrated and flexible architecture, a rich peripheral set and low power consumption. To ease development, Silicon Labs offers an Eclipse-based development suite including a full compiler, debugger and AppBuilder rapid prototyping utility at no charge. Based on the ARM® Cortex™-M3 core, the new Precision32 SiM3U1xx and SiM3C1xx MCUs include USB and non-USB devices with 32–256 kB Flash, 8–32 kB RAM and 40–92 pin packages.

Make Your Job Easy

Precision32™ 32-bit Microcontroller Software Tools

Software Tools

Silicon Labs offers advanced software development tools, available at no charge to developers. These tools unlock the power and flexibility of the Precision32™ 32-bit microcontroller family.

Precision32 Integrated Development Environment

Silicon Labs’ Eclipse-based integrated development environment (IDE) includes a full compiler, debugger and an online dashboard for application-critical information such as a software library with example code, data sheets, schematics, PCB footprints, app notes, active version tracking and automatic updates. These tools are available for free, with no code size or time limitations.

Precision32 AppBuilder Rapid Prototyping Utility

A centerpiece of the IDE is Silicon Labs’ Precision32™ GUI-based AppBuilder rapid prototyping utility, which enables developers to quickly and graphically select peripheral mix and properties, set up clocking modes, customize pinouts and generate source code – all without having to read a data sheet or learn register settings. Sophisticated mode management validates peripheral properties and pin assignments, and provides real-time feedback when conflicts are detected.
