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By Nickson Kiprotich
A Centralized Smart-Home System for Controlling and Monitoring IoT Devices.
By Mirko Pavleski
Building an internet weather station is a popular project among electronics enthusiasts
By Robs Engineer
BoB the affordable humanoid robot companion
The simplest and cheapest object detection system that can serve perfectly for the presentation of the possibilities of this technology.
By M5Stack
Create a smart conveyor feature that utilizes sensors to detect when an item has been removed from the conveyor belt.
How to create the cheapest and simplest Internet radio.
Creating a calculator with 7 LEDs and a single button.
By Guo-Rong Koh
Bluetooth Wireless Remote
Rob, the whacky humanoid droid project powered by large language models and computer vision!
Here are examples of Arduino using this low-cost compact esp32 + tft touch display module.
By SparkFun Electronics
Introducing the SparkFun MicroMod ESP32 Processor Board! This bad boy pops an M.2 connector onto the ESP32 so you can take advantage of all that lovely ESP32 power with any of our MicroMod carrier boards.
Let your house plant show you what its feeling with this simple project that uses M5Stack and a soil moisture sensor.