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Projects 查看全部


Smart Conveyor

By M5Stack

Create a smart conveyor feature that utilizes sensors to detect when an item has been removed from the conveyor belt.


LED calculator

By M5Stack

Creating a calculator with 7 LEDs and a single button.


Do Plants Have Feelings?

By M5Stack

Let your house plant show you what its feeling with this simple project that uses M5Stack and a soil moisture sensor.


Brownie - Automate Your Home with AI

By M5Stack

Brownie is an AI camera app that allows you to automate your daily life with simple operation.


Santa Tracker using M5StickC Plus for an M5Stack Christmas

By M5Stack

Who isn't waiting for Santa? Well, using an M5StickC Plus, you can track where is Santa is while he is delivering gifts.


Micro-SD cards with the M5StampS3

By M5Stack

How to use Micro SD cards with the M5Stamp S3