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Python on Hardware

By Staff

A whole generation of programmers have now grown up with the web, where JavaScript is the de facto language for creating dynamic user interfaces and managing databases.


MicroPython Basics: Loading Modules

By Adafruit Industries

Extending your scripts by including code from other files is a great way to simplify and structure programs.


MicroPython Basics: What is MicroPython?

By Adafruit Industries

This guide explains what is the MicroPython programming language, why you might want to use it for hardware projects, and where to find more information on MicroPython.


MicroPython Displays Drawing Shapes

By Adafruit Industries

Tutorial on how to draw shapes and graphics on your display like a bright TFT LCD, Charlieplex LED or NeoPixel matrix powered by MicroPython.


Introduction to MicroPython

By Staff

Most controllers on the market are coded in languages like C and C++, but thanks to a clever company called George Robotics Limited, you can now code some microcontrollers using the ever-famous Python.


CircuitPython Hardware SD Cards

By Adafruit Industries

Learn how to use a microSD card to store code & data with CircuitPython and MicroPython!